Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight on… Kelly Young, Estate Conveyancing

In our latest Client Spotlight, we’re excited to introduce Kelly Young and her business, Estate Conveyancing. Kelly’s WA office is based in Geraldton, servicing homeowners across the state. Estate Conveyancing also has a branch in Melbourne to assist Victorian homeowners with their conveyancing needs. Having been an active user of Realtime Conveyancer for more than a year, Kelly and her team pride themselves on the fact that the majority of their clients are either repeat clients or have been referred to them by a previous happy client.

Recently, we took some time to chat with Kelly and dive into some of the things that make Estate Conveyancing unique, as well as what she loves about being part of the WA conveyancing community.

Can you tell us a bit about your business and what sets you apart in the conveyancing industry?

Estate Conveyancing is a cross-state-based company with offices in WA and VIC.  While being qualified across the two jurisdictions is challenging, having this knowledge is very advantageous to assist clients and their needs across both of these states and processes.

We are always striving to do better and are always advocating for the betterment of our industry, no matter what state you are in.  

What inspired you to start your own conveyancing business?

After a lovely 4 year trip around the world, returning to my homeland in 2009 and my hometown was tough.  People were different, and the world was different. This made me think about life and what direction it was going.  That is when I decided that I wanted to be a business owner, and I wanted to be challenged. 

Working in settlements and property since I left high school, I loved the industry and loved the work.  I am a very social person and try to be positive as much as possible, so why not take that across to pleasing clients and making a difference in the industry!

What challenges have you faced in your journey, and how have you overcome them?

I think we can all say that, at some point or another, we have experienced burnout…  Why do we put ourselves through the stress and high expectations of our industry?  Short answer – There is no better feeling than seeing that SETTLED email and calling that excited client to tell them that they are a homeowner, or you are now a property investor or your property is now transferred, and you never have to speak to your ex again! 

It is really easy to get bogged down in the negative but to overcome the intense and stressful nature of our job, it is vital to be surrounded by the tools to keep you motivated and efficient.  That includes software and also motivated and inspiring people!

What future goals or aspirations do you have for your business, and how do you plan to continue making a difference in the industry?

I want to build up my business in both states and have a more profitable business in line with our worth.  Not necessarily what people’s expectations are but what we are worth in line with the intensity of our work and the skills required.   We are often not given anywhere near enough credit as the professionals we are.   I am also very big on education and making our industry great for all involved, and keeping a high standard.

Kelly’s passion and commitment to making a positive change in the lives of her homebuyers and sellers in what is often a stressful period in people’s lives is truly inspiring. Just like us, people are the heart of her business, and we’re honoured to have called her and the Estate Conveyancing team valued clients of Realtime Conveyancer since 2022.

To learn more about Estate Conveyancing Kelly’s cross-border conveyancing services, visit their website.


Proptech lessons from the US

I was honoured to attend the REACH PortCo 2023 event – a gathering of founders from REACH programs around the world and part of Second Century Ventures – the biggest residential proptech VC fund in the world. 

It was truly inspirational to hear from so many founders who now have successful tech businesses after working through the many challenges and hard times – and the incredible highs – that come from launching transformative technology.

The three days in San Diego were full of great conversations and very personal stories that gave me new insights into what being a tech entrepreneur is really like and – because this was being held in the US – on a scale that is vastly different to WA or even just Australia. 

It was a real gift to meet people who have been through similar challenges to what we’ve gone through launching Realtime Conveyancer, and hear advice from those who have already successfully gone through the growing pains of scaling a proptech startup into something much bigger. Here are my key takeaways:

  • Be passionate about your vision: The most inspiring stories and successful proptechs are those whose founders are passionate about their technology, the problems their clients have and their vision to fix it. They truly love what they do. 
  • Advocate for your industry: Proptechs fix long-standing industry problems but we need to love the industries we serve and ensure our technology is robust, does what it says it will do and genuinely reflects the needs of our customers. 
  • Remember why you fell in love: Like any long-term relationship, you can fall out of love from time to time either with your tech or your customers, but it passes. You need to keep reminding yourself about the qualities that brought you together. 
  • Don’t listen to your inner imposter: We all have people in our lives in business who will criticise us but often it is the voice in our own heads that is the cruellest. Moments of doubt are normal. 
  • Surround yourself with great people: At times when you feel a bit overwhelmed, there is nothing better than genuinely connecting with great people, learning from them and solving the problems of the world – ideally with a margarita! 

Being a proptech founder is a very different world from conveyancing. But it was also interesting to reflect on how well a background and skills in conveyancing have served me moving into this new and exciting field. 

At Reach, I felt like I was part of a family and an exclusive crazy, relentless group who were all coming from the same space and mindset. Just in the same way that when you put a bunch of conveyancers into a room, they all have a shorthand of shared experience, being in a room full of founders gave us a verbal shorthand of knowing exactly what people were talking about with minimal explanation and no judgment. 

The world of startups is a big place and it’s full of people who genuinely want to help each other Realtime Conveyancer is truly honoured to be part of such a cohort. 

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight on… Christine Bradbury, Federation Settlements

In our latest Client Spotlight, we’re excited to introduce Chris Bradbury and her independent settlement agency, Federation Settlements. Chris is the current president of the Australian Institute of Conveyancers (WA Division), and we have been lucky enough to have counted Chris as one of our Realtime clients since all the way back to our early days in 2021. Chris has had quite a journey in the WA conveyancing industry over the years, and her knowledge, insights, and experience are unparalleled.

We sat down with Chris recently and asked her to share this journey with us and some of the things that make Federation Settlements special!

Can you tell us a bit about your business and what sets you apart in the conveyancing industry?

My business is structured whereby I take no more than 20 deals at a time.  By doing this, I can provide a very personal experience to my clients. 

While I use all technology available to me, I am constantly calling and talking to clients, advising them on what to do next and what to expect from me.  As I am the only person that they talk to during the process, this also gives them a sense of being that special client.

I make sure to add each client to my phone contacts so when they call me, I can answer with: “Hi, Mr Jones” or “Hi, John. How can I help you today?”  The shock in their voice that I know who they are is really evident.

I have been around the industry since the early 1980’s and have seen many changes, but the one constant is client service which I hold as my most valuable asset.

What role does technology play in your business, and how does it enhance your service offerings?

I hold technology high on the list of essential business tools, whether it be my phone system or my laptop, all the way to the platform I use to navigate my daily activities.

I was lucky enough to be accepted as one of the original firms that tested the Realtime platform and provide feedback to improve it. 

Realtime was a real game changer from the very first file and has only got better over time, and it still has more to come that I am very excited about.  The ability to do my job has become so easy with the use of Realtime Conveyancer and DocuSign as well as Scantek for ID all of this is amazing technology and provides me the time to contact my clients. 

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and regulations to ensure your clients receive the best possible service?

One of my passions in my work life is training others to work in our industry.  For me to do this, I need to ensure that I am abreast of all the current and future trends in the industry.  I can do this by being a member of the AICWA and also subscribing to the website to receive updated information as soon as it is published.  I am also a subscriber to the Landgate, Revenue WA and PEXA pages. Being one of the CPD facilitators is also a great way for me to share my experience in the industry and to give a little back to the industry that has served me for the last 40-odd years.

At Realtime Conveyancer, we are truly honoured to have Chris Bradbury and Federation Settlements as part of our valued client community. Chris’ trust in our platform since 2021 and her willingness to be part of the feedback process to help us build the amazing features synonymous with Realtime demonstrates her commitment to the betterment of the wider conveyancing community. We are thrilled to be supporting Chris and her business to deliver exceptional client experiences.

To learn more about Federation Settlements and Chris’ highly personalised services, visit their website.


How technology is enhancing the human experience in conveyancing

The human touch has always been prized in the realm of conveyancing, where the intricacies of property transactions meet financial and legal complexities. After all, buying or selling a property is often one of the most significant transactions in a person’s life. Clients want reassurance, personal attention, and a seamless experience. But what if we told you that when thoughtfully integrated, technology doesn’t diminish this personal touch but can, in fact, enhance the human experience in conveyancing? In this blog, we’ll explore how the marriage of technology and conveyancing can result in a more human-centric, efficient, and client-focused process.

A conveyancer’s greatest asset is their human connection.

Traditionally, conveyancers have been valued for their personal touch. They provide clients expertise, guidance, and security throughout the property transaction journey. Clients appreciate the ability to reach out, ask questions, and receive prompt, empathetic responses. However, repetitive, time-consuming administrative tasks can sometimes hamper this personal touch.

Technology is an efficiency enabler.

Enter technology. Often, it is seen as a potential threat to the human-centric approach in many industries, including conveyancing. The reality is quite different. Modern conveyancing platforms, like Realtime Conveyancer, have been carefully crafted to empower conveyancers, not replace them. With Realtime Conveyancer, manual, repetitive tasks can be reduced by up to 75% through automation and time-saving features. 

Conveyancers can free themselves from the shackles of laborious paperwork and no longer spend disproportionate hours on administrative chores. Instead, this newfound time can be channelled where it matters most: towards clients and their unique needs.

Conveyancers can reinvest these saved hours into fostering more profound, meaningful connections with their clients. They can devote extra time to comprehensively understanding client requirements, addressing concerns, and providing expert guidance. This transformation enables them to be the trusted advisors their clients need in the complex realm of property transactions.

Networking and partner engagement

The conveyancing process doesn’t exist in isolation. It involves various stakeholders, from real estate agents to mortgage brokers. Building solid relationships with these partners is essential for a successful transaction. Technology doesn’t replace these connections but enhances them. Conveyancers can use their newfound time to network, collaborate, and forge deeper relationships with referral partners.

Empowering clients with knowledge and information

While technology plays a vital role in the background, it’s not meant to replace face-to-face interactions; instead, it supports them. Clients still crave that personal connection—the reassurance of sitting across from their conveyancer and discussing their concerns. Technology enables conveyancers to offer these interactions more efficiently.

In the modern conveyancing landscape, clients are tech-savvy and desire transparency and involvement. This is where technology, like the Pathway to Settlement (PTS) app, comes into play. PTS isn’t just about streamlining processes; it’s about involving clients in their property journey.

With PTS, clients can stay informed about the progress of their transaction right from their smartphones. They can track milestones, receive updates, and interact with their conveyancer more meaningfully. Rather than feeling disconnected from the process, clients can actively participate, fostering a stronger connection between them and their conveyancer.

Digitising conveyancing really is a win-win for all

In the evolving world of conveyancing, integrating technology is not a threat to the human experience but a means to enhance it. Technology allows conveyancers to regain valuable time, which can be dedicated to building deeper client relationships, networking with partners, and facilitating meaningful face-to-face interactions.

Furthermore, companion apps like PTS empower clients, giving them transparency and control over their property transactions. It’s a win-win for everyone involved—the conveyancer, the client, and all the stakeholders in the property transaction.

So, the next time someone raises concerns about technology devaluing the human experience in conveyancing, you can confidently explain how technology, when thoughtfully integrated, can, in fact, create a more human-centred and efficient process for all parties involved.

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight on… Alysha Chappell, The Simple Settlement Co

We are delighted to introduce you to one of our incredible clients, Alysha Chappell, founder of The Simple Settlement Co. Having started trading earlier this year, Alysha and The Simple Settlement Co are already making remarkable strides. With a background in corporate conveyancing, Alysha brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to the table. We sat down with Alysha to learn more about her journey, her vision for The Simple Settlement Co., and how she’s carving her unique path in the industry.

Can you tell us a bit about your business and what sets you apart in the conveyancing industry?

The Simple Settlement Co was born out of an opportunity to progress from running a corporate firm to my own business at just the right time in my life. For me, the most important part of the conveyancing process is the client. Purchasing, selling, subdividing or transferring property is such a big life decision and being able to provide support, knowledge, encouragement, and professional service to my clients is what I love about conveyancing.

What inspired you to start your own conveyancing business?

Another settlement agent that I used to work with has always supported me and made sure that I knew I had the ability to go out on my own whenever I decided I was ready. Having the support from other industry colleagues really helped me make the decision.

What role does technology play in your business, and how does it enhance your service offerings?

I made the decision to run a paperless office from the get-go. Therefore I needed to make sure I had all the right technology and options ready and prepared to offer my clients the most simple, seamless conveyancing experience possible.

A huge part of this was transitioning to Realtime Conveyancer. The opportunity, customisation and support to create a settlement process unique to how I do business has made the transition amazing.

I had over 100 files to transfer over, and the support of the team at Realtime, the training and the program itself made this process so much less daunting and provided such a positive experience to not only myself and my staff but our clients during that opening time.

What future goals or aspirations do you have for your business, and how do you plan to continue making a difference in the industry?

I want to continue to grow my business by developing strong, respectful and positive relationships with my clients and others I work with on a daily basis. I plan to build a team who feel supported and encouraged to further themselves in their careers and establish a positive work environment that our staff, clients and referral partners are wowed by. I see big things for The Simple Settlement Co in the next few years.

We’re privileged to support Alysha on her journey. Her bold step into entrepreneurship after her tenure in the corporate conveyancing sector is inspiring, and her commitment to delivering exceptional service and embracing innovation aligns perfectly with our ethos at Realtime Conveyancer.

To find out more about Alysha and The Simple Settlement Co, visit their website.


Why digitised conveyancing is great news for real estate agents

For decades, real estate agents have not really worried much about conveyancing and settlement. It’s been the necessary but boring thing that happened after the thrill and excitement of negotiation and the sale of the property, and has always been someone else’s problem. But changing consumer expectations around service are significantly impacting that.

If you can order a pizza, or book a taxi, or a holiday home and have complete visibility of what is happening for a transaction that is under $100, surely you should be able to expect the same – if not better – when you have committed to spending $300,000, or $750,000 or more than $1m on the biggest transaction in your life?

There are some big changes currently happening in the conveyancing space with the introduction of digitised workflows, task automation, payment security and customer management systems that will have long-range effects on agents that are both far-reaching and positive.

Far from being dreary admin, they offer the real estate industry one of the biggest opportunities in decades to improve its image and reputation and lift its quality of service while also supporting a busier market. And all of this with very little effort. Here’s what’s going on:

It’s time to end the tears

Research by Allianz Australia in 2019 found that buying a home impacts the mental health of one in two Australians, with 55% saying that because of this stress, they’d rather stay in their current home longer.

In addition, according to a trend report by America’s National Association of Realtors, 38% of homebuyers under the age of 28 rate “understanding the process and steps” as the most challenging aspect of buying a home. That’s a worse score than the difficulty of “saving for the downpayment” and “getting a mortgage”. At Inman 2022, it was confirmed 1 in 2 people cry during the settlement process. As conveyancers with over three decades of experience, we can confirm that tears – and frustration – are also a regular occurrence for Australian property buyers and sellers.

So the stress, worry and lack of understanding around what happens when you buy or sell is both a factor in property market performance, discouraging many from entering, and delivers a more stressful experience than necessary for those who do participate.

Anything we can do in the industry to reduce stress and anxiety and deliver better experiences across the entire transaction delivers both reputational benefits and supports a more active property market. Buying a home shouldn’t be a mental health crisis. It should be one of the most exciting things our clients ever do! Digitising conveyancing is an important part of the process.

Improving how the game is played

If the traditional method of buying and selling a property was a football match, it would be like one of those AFL games that is hard to watch. The play is broken and patchy, full of dropped balls, stoppages, injuries and scraps over ball ownership resulting in shouts of ‘ref’! And like a football match, once we enter the fourth quarter of play, the stress and tension really ramps up.

Victory – or defeat – reflects on all the members of the team, and in real estate, agents, financial institutions, conveyancers, and government authorities need to recognise that we are all playing together to secure, close and settle deals. Whether we like our fellow team members or not, a bad performance by one reflects on everyone on the field and will upset the fans.

Many people don’t realise that the way conveyancing is practiced in Australia has undergone very little change over the past 150 years. It is slow and error-prone, with conveyancing taking an average of 42 days to complete nationally. Manual processes mean mistakes are easily made, and this slows everything down further.

The majority of proptech to date has focused on improving the performance of real estate agents, while fintech has focused on streamlining mortgage approvals. Imagine learning that key members of your team have been trained on ancient models while the rest of your team is using the latest 21st-century devices.

The current changes occurring to digitise conveyancing can reduce conveyancing times down to 20 days, significantly reduce the cost, and bring conveyancing practices into alignment with sales and financing. It delivers a faster game, fewer dropped balls and thrilling experiences that are a pleasure to be part of. 

Delivering transparency, clarity and speed

One of the biggest issues around buying and selling currently is the lack of transparency that occurs once a property has been sold. What happens next? ‘That depends’ is not the answer most buyers want when we are talking seriously big money.

When unsure, buyers and sellers will contact their real estate agent. But with their involvement in the process now complete, most agents have moved on to the next deal. Regardless of how well you performed when selling and negotiating, post-sale service – or lack of it – is a significant contributor to the industry’s poor reputation that currently costs agents at least 30% of their clients becoming repeat business, according to ActivePipe. A home is not really sold or bought, though, until all parties have moved in and are hanging pictures or curtains, delighted at starting their new chapter.

Giving clients transparency and clarity is key to helping them feel secure and is a major contributor to reducing stress which, in turn, results in better customer experiences.

Transparency also delivers greater accountability to all of the parties in the transaction, informing what documentation is required at different stages and helping manage its assembly.

Agents shouldn’t need to be overly involved in settlement. You should be confident that you’re working in an environment that helps you support your seller and buyer to complete their sale easily and in a way that supports the great relationship you’ve had with them so far.

Digitised conveyancing practices have created easy-to-use and powerful apps that agents can share with their clients to give them transparency around the final stages of their transaction and help them keep on top of their last actions and handoffs to deliver amazing post-sale experiences for very little effort.

Creating a truly end-to-end and cheaper transaction

For property purchasing to become seamless and something that you could possibly do via your mobile phone, all parts of the transaction need to be digitised. To date, the focus of proptech and fintech has been on improving real estate sales and back office and mortgage assessments, while PEXA has delivered electronic lodgement networks for the final step of the financial exchange and lodgement with government departments.

In the middle sits conveyancing which has been an ever-increasing bottleneck until recently. The changes now being introduced to conveyancing are similar to those that real estate has embraced, including the use of CRMs to manage customers, workflow management, digital documents with electronic signing, automation and electronic handoffs replacing the emailing of sensitive information across the internet.

These changes not only improve the speed with which conveyancing can be done but also reduces the error rate, which in turn reduces conveyancer stress and the cost to the consumer. And who doesn’t love a cheaper rate?

Making transactions secure

Payment redirection – also known as man-in-the-middle scams – are increasingly common in real estate. In January 2022, an NSW family almost lost $1.1 million when transferring funds to a scammer’s account. In WA, a year earlier, one owner lost $133,000 after a scammer cloned their conveyancer’s email address and provided false bank details. The victims transferred their funds for settlement to the bogus account.

Under the current, non-automated, non-standardised process of conveyancing, issues regularly arise with the quality and accuracy of data, exposing conveyancing firms, real estate agents and clients to increased risk, particularly cyber risk. Sophisticated cyber-criminals exploit manual loopholes and weaknesses through email phishing, cyber fraud and other scams.

The security features of digitised conveyancing add layers of digital security to reduce the risk of fraud and the scamming of deposits and settlement funds and deliver transparency so both consumers and professionals can clearly see transaction progress. It also supports reduced anxiety around the transaction, which, when the dollars are this big, is considerable.

Letting you do you

One of the false promises of technology has been that it gives you time back – only to give you more things to do! But the digitisation of conveyancing isn’t about reducing the work to the point where anyone – especially an agent – could or should handle conveyancing. Instead, it recognises the special skills of conveyancers to identify and solve problems within contracts and settlements and makes them more efficient, cost-effective, secure and transparent and easy to integrate into the bigger property transaction picture as a whole.

This gives real estate agents peace of mind and security. You can be confident that if you’re working with a conveyancer who is embracing digitisation, they will easily integrate within your real estate workflows and systems, not give you or your team more to do.

It will, however, give your clients a better experience, help them move into their properties faster and more affordably, and do all of this within an environment that is cyber-secure and easy to understand. You negotiate and sell. We’ll handle the legals and settlement. Everyone does what they are best at, just more easily, and our clients are delighted. It’s wins all round.

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight on… Loan Le, Settle On Point

Today, we are thrilled to put the spotlight on one of our amazing clients, Loan Le, and her independent settlement agency, Settle On Point. Loan was one of our first adopters, coming on board with us back in 2022. And with 20 years of settlement experience and a passion for delivering top-notch service, Loan is making waves with her conveyancing business. We sat down with Loan recently and asked her to share her journey with us, and some of the things that make Settle On Point unique!

Can you tell us a bit about your business and what sets you apart in the conveyancing industry?

Settle On Point is an independent settlement agency with 20 years of settlement experience, which is constantly evolving every day to trends and updates to ensure clients’ settlement experiences are seamless and hassle-free.

What inspired you to start your own conveyancing business?

Starting my own conveyancing business has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. After 20 years of experience and 15 years working for an established law firm in Perth, I finally took the leap of faith and turned this dream into reality!

What role does technology play in your business, and how does it enhance your service offerings?

Technology plays a vital role in my business. Choosing the right services will assist in many ways, including efficiency, seamless communication between parties, and faster turnaround time to ensure client satisfaction.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and regulations to ensure your clients receive the best possible service?

I participate in conveyancing workshops, seminars, webinars and industry conferences to stay informed about the latest developments and best practices in the conveyancing industry. I also am registered for updates with the government bodies – Office of State Revenue, Landgate etc.

How do you maintain strong relationships with your clients and foster trust and transparency throughout the conveyancing process?

I provide clear communication to clients and ensure pricing is transparent with no extra costs if not required. I keep my clients updated regularly, being responsive in a timely matter, professional, reliable and treat each client tailored to their specific needs.

What future goals or aspirations do you have for your business, and how do you plan to continue making a difference in the industry?

I would love for my business to grow even more and have a bigger team working for Settle on Point. I continue to provide exceptional service and provide our clients with the best industry knowledge.

At Realtime Conveyancer, we are truly honoured to have Loan Le and Settle On Point as part of our valued client community. Loan’s trust in our platform since 2022 demonstrates the confidence she has in Realtime Conveyancer to meet her software needs as she delivers on her mission of providing a seamless and hassle-free experience for her clients. We are thrilled to be supporting Loan on her journey and look forward to seeing Settle On Point’s continued success in the conveyancing industry.

To learn more about Settle On Point and experience Loan’s exceptional services, visit their website.


5 tech trends impacting property conveyancing

Conveyancing is one of the last industries in the property ecosystem to be impacted by digital disruption. But don’t worry, it’s coming! Rather than being afraid of it, however, we can take comfort from the fact that so many industries adjacent to us – real estate and finance especially – have been through it before us and learn from their experiences. But even though our bigger brothers may be ahead of us on the adoption curve, we still need to adapt it to the issues and processes specific to conveyancing.

So here are some of the biggest tech and social trends that are fundamentally changing how conveyancing is going to be conducted in Australia.

Service Expectations

Customer expectations of good service have fundamentally changed over the past 10 years, and they continue to evolve. More than just corporate placations and cookie-cutter standards, clients today want service that is personalised, immediate, and recognises their needs – even if they don’t know what those needs actually are! You can blame big data for this. It’s understanding of our preferences based on literally millions of activities and the ability to serve information that is both useful and timely regardless of the time of day or what platform we are in and predict what we are going to need next. This has made it hard for mere human processes to keep up. In such an environment, traditional communication methods of email and telephone are both too slow, prone to misunderstanding and inferior no matter how much you like the person at the other end. They’re an important compliment to great service in the new world, but on their own, they just don’t cut it.

Big Data, Automation and AI

Everywhere we go and everything we do these days leaves a vapour trail of data behind us. It’s produced with every interaction we have with our mobile phones, on our desktops, and even just walking captures data about where we’ve been. And then there are the email lists we sign up for, the online shopping we do and the social media activity we engage with. The bigger the datasets, the bigger the picture about who we are and our personal preferences, allowing our interactions to become more and more personalised.

Big data is the fuel that drives automation and AI, and it is removing much of the manual work out of conveyancing, allowing more processes to be automated and reducing the amount of repetitive work done by humans. In conveyancing, this means client data being automatically pulled into forms rather than retyping, digital signatures being requested and recognised, information automatically moving to the next stage and documentation being ‘preflight checked’ by bots rather than humans. The end result is faster transactions with fewer errors and rework. 

The Corporatisation of Real Estate

The irony of Australia’s residential real estate industry is that it is the country’s single biggest asset class and favourite way to invest, yet we’re largely a cottage industry managed and run by small businesses. There’s nothing wrong with that, but in coming years, it is likely to start to change with the growth of build to rent, resulting in more multi-family housing being owned by large corporates, especially superannuation funds.

The financial and mental cost of running a business – and the sheer weight of needing to manage so much in terms of technology, security, automation and service centres – also means mergers and acquisitions are likely to become more common as we see fewer but larger businesses emerge. This trend is especially likely to impact conveyancing with our legacy of small three or so-person operators. Expect to see bigger conveyancing businesses that are more streamlined, tech-supported and with teams with more specific job descriptions that are narrow and deep rather than broad generalist conveyancing.

Scaling and End-to-End Processes

One of the most stressful parts of the conveyancing process for buyers and sellers is understanding the stage of the transaction, how far there is still to go and what kind of information needs to be compiled in order to clear the next hurdle. Tech systems that deliver end-to-end transaction management reduce this stress considerably by allowing clients to see at a glance what stage their purchase or sale is at and what else needs to be completed.

Delivering this clarity to clients also has major benefits to conveyancers. There are fewer daily interruptions from people wanting to check in and understand “where we’re at”, less chasing of clients to provide vital information without which settlement can be delayed (creating even more stress) and a clearer understanding for conveyancers of the project management required across a team, and where bottlenecks or additional resources may be required.

In addition, giving both real estate agents and buyers and sellers visibility of the conveyancing process improves market education resulting in a better understanding of the work that conveyancers do and the value we add.

Cyber Security and Risk Management

The irony is that there is more payment security in purchasing a pizza online than there is in buying a million-dollar property. It should be no surprise, therefore, that every week there is another tale of property transactions being intercepted by scammers stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in the form of deposits, payments and bonds.

Cyber fraud is now at an industrial scale, with thieves no longer just lone hackers sitting in a bedroom, but warehouses of scammers globally hunting deliberately for targets. Real estate, with its high value transactions and traditionally low security practices makes us extremely vulnerable. Sharing bank account details, contracts and identification documentation over email are all common ways that we expose ourselves on a daily basis and in the new world of cyber threat, it’s not a case of if we get hacked, but when, especially given it can happen as easily as clicking on a link when we’re tired or not concentrating.

Cyber secure transaction spaces are the way forward. Only those invited can access these password-protected and locked virtual rooms, but once inside, documents and identification can be shared, and payments made securely. Secure conveyancing rooms can also be connected to systems like Pexa, allowing the settlement to be securely lodged at the end, de-risking the entire process and helping both conveyancers and their clients feel a lot less stress.


Kylie Dillon of Realtime Conveyancer on turning an ambitious vision into a reality

Kylie Dillon, Co-Founder & CEO, Realtime Conveyancer Australia

I’m often asked about the vision behind Realtime Conveyancer and what we set out to achieve.

Simply put, Realtime Conveyancer automates the process of buying, selling and settling properties every step of the way, from “contract to keys”.

Transparency is increased and the process of transferring ownership changes from a disjointed, multi-layered and complex set of transactions to a single workflow that prioritises simplicity and human connection.

From the early days of bootstrapping the business, through the exciting stage of capital raising, and down to our launch in WA, it’s been an amazing journey with its fair share of twists and turns.

Through it all we’ve been firmly focused on a single truth: that the market was crying out for a solution to the pain points plaguing the conveyancing process in Australia. One that puts people first.

The inspiration for Realtime Conveyancer

Conveyancing has always been a calling for me and from the time I first stepped into my first office nearly 20 years ago, I knew it was something I’d be doing for the rest of my working life.

“Playing a small (but crucial) role in helping buyers realise their dream of owning a home is my inspiration and my passion.”

Our primary aim is to bring buyers into the mix and allow them to see what’s going on. It’s about allowing them to develop a sense of trust in the person looking after them, knowing that person has their back and can settle the property on time.

And it’s not just the buyers that benefit. What sets Realtime Conveyancer apart is having a single, powerful platform at everyone’s disposal. The rewards are there for all – real estate agents, brokers, conveyancers, buyers and sellers.

The problem with traditional conveyancing

Conveyancing has traditionally been a paper process. And with paper transactions come risks and inefficiencies.

There are so many moving parts and things can easily fall through the cracks. Disgruntled, disengaged parties are par for the course. Chasing down crucial documentation is a constant bugbear. And the whole process can often take far longer than it needs to.

As it turns out, those timeworn excuses trotted out in the schoolroom by sloppy students also apply in the conveyancing world. Conveyancers have heard it all, from “snails have eaten my contract” to “I’m sorry, it’s been left out in the rain”!

When things go pear-shaped, as they often do in complex transactions, the fallout can be far-reaching.

According to research, around a third of buyers across all states report that the settlement process is either stressful or extremely stressful.

“It’s perhaps no surprise then that buying a house is up there with divorce and bereavement as one of the most challenging life events people will ever experience.”

The digital journey and the role of proptech

When I started out in business there was a lot of talk about electronic conveyancing but not a lot of action.

It was really just a twinkle in the eye of the industry, and many thought we’d all be retired before it came to fruition. Even so, we knew the systems we were using weren’t going to stand the test of time.

PEXA, an organisation I’m proud to have been part of (in a contract role for over two years), was pivotal in kick-starting change in the digital lodgements space. It’s where I started working with Realtime Conveyancer’s co-founder, the late Mike Price, whose vision and values have been instrumental to our success, and whose legacy lives on in the platform.

Fast forward to 2023, and with the benefit of game-changing proptech advances, we’ve now got all the tools at our disposal to scale and make digitally-led conveyancing a real-world reality.

The conveyancer of the future

With Covid impacting the industry and legislation and compliance growing ever more complicated, the conveyancer’s job has increasingly become one of task-driven tyranny.

“Harnessing a technology platform like Realtime Conveyancer is incredibly liberating, and opens conveyancers and property practitioners up to a new way of working.”

By eliminating low-value, repetitive activities, Realtime Conveyancer simultaneously lays the foundation for healthier and more profitable business partnerships to flourish.

Join us in the brave new world of conveyancing

We’re constantly trying to “out-innovate” ourselves by looking for better ways to do things. And the question we continually ask is: “Is this going to provide an amazing experience for the consumer?” If it doesn’t, we don’t do it.

Join us on the journey to a brighter (conveyancing) future by requesting a demo, and learn how you can:

  • Streamline workflow so that the average time of settlement is reduced.
  • Make the conveyancing process more transparent and ensure all parties have the information they need at every point in the transaction.
  • Free up time in your conveyancing practice so you can move from paper-pusher to trusted advisor.
  • And, finally, make property purchases and settlements less stressful and more fulfilling for agents, brokers, buyers and sellers alike.

Kylie Dillon is Co-Founder and CEO of Realtime Conveyancer Australia.  She is also a member of the Board of the Proptech Association Australia where she serves as the WA Chapter Lead. 


How Realtime Conveyancer’s “contract to keys” solution is transforming the way property is settled

For well over a century, the practices and procedures surrounding property settlement have been stuck in time. Even while technology is driving dramatic changes in other parts of the property industry, conveyancing has evolved at a snail’s pace.

Two things are clear – consumers are demanding change and conveyancers deserve a better deal. 

Enter Realtime Conveyancer, which is changing the way properties are settled through digital innovation. The focus is on enhancing stakeholder relationships, delighting customers, and boosting business performance for property settlement practitioners.

The platform has two core features – a software suite and companion mobile app – which work together to provide a fully streamlined way for all parties to a real estate transfer to stay connected and in the loop on any device at any time, whether that’s at a desk or on the move.

Realtime Conveyancer benefits everyone

Through workflow, messaging, accounting, and analysis capabilities, it simplifies the conveyancer’s job and frees up time which can then be used for value-creating tasks such as customer care, networking, business development… just to name a few possibilities.

On the flip side, buyers and sellers have a seat at the table and feel confident of being able to get a status update and snapshot of progress whenever needed.

In a nutshell:

  • Conveyancers benefit from a digitally streamlined process and significant cost savings.
  • Buyers and sellers benefit from reduced settlement times of up to 20 days.
  • All parties benefit from transparency and a less stressful experience.

The conveyancer’s job can be a pressure cooker

Recent statistics show that Australia has a staggering $8.6 trillion residential property market with $376 billion worth of sales per year. There are currently 12,000 firms practising conveyancing in Australia.

That said, the work performed by conveyancers is often viewed as a commodity rather than a valuable professional service.  Despite this perception, conveyancers are responsible for managing critical risks and their responsibilities are central to a smooth settlement and an overall successful transaction.

Realtime Conveyancer gives settlement agents a better and easier way to do their jobs and demonstrate their value. It eliminates the need for tedious and repetitive tasks and frees up time for value-added ones.

Central to this is Transaction Management Software (TMS) which lets conveyancing practitioners achieve more in real-time. They can:

  • Receive offer and acceptance contracts.
  • Create and track best practice workflow.
  • Correspond through in-app email.
  • Customise document templates.
  • Update all parties instantly.
  • Automate progress notifications.
  • Access compliant trust accounting package.
  • Analyse data and gain valuable insights for decision-making.

Buyers, sellers, agents and brokers all reap the benefits

Buyers, sellers and associated parties to a property transaction frequently feel disengaged and disgruntled by delays and other settlement difficulties. Realtime Conveyancer eliminates the roadblocks and pain points and gets everyone singing from the same song sheet.

The Realtime Pathway to Settlement (PTS) app allows everyone to:

  • Get notified in real-time.
  • Track key milestones.
  • Submit bank account details securely.
  • Sign documents electronically.
  • Store documents securely.
  • Leverage concierge services.

The bright future of conveyancing

Realtime Conveyancer was developed in response to reports by around a third of Australian consumers (in all states and territories) that the settlement process is both stressful and takes much longer than it should. 

With a talented property team at the helm and a clear vision for the future, the platform is quickly setting a benchmark as the next generation of conveyancing services. 

Realtime Conveyancer is powered by leading-edge cloud technology and APIs. But it’s not about removing humans from the process. Instead, it’s about allocating the right resources to the right areas, so you have satisfied clients, and a sustainable business.

6,000 properties settled already 

We’ve already played a role in settling over 6,000 properties in WA. And it’s been a thrill to have had so many conveyancing firms reach out to express their support and enthusiasm. 

Through partnerships like those we have with REIWA and VaultRE, we’re constantly making key connections with the agent network and other important players in the industry.

Our number one goal is to deliver an exceptional customer experience. As such, progress depends on careful, intentional refinements. With this in mind, an exciting next move is to roll out Realtime Conveyancer to SA property professionals.

Interested conveyancing firms in both WA and SA can register via the website to get a demo and learn more about the game-changing benefits of Realtime Conveyancer.


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