Client Spotlight

Journey to Growth and Efficiency with Realtime Conveyancer

In the heart of Northbridge, Western Australia, WA Settlement Services has carved a niche for itself as a boutique conveyancing agency known for its personalised approach and dedication to client satisfaction. Owner Tracey Vermaak has been steadily growing the business over the past eight years, and technology has been an integral part of that growth.

Technology: Expanding Options for Client Connection

Tracey embraces technology not as a substitute for personal interaction, but as a means to broaden her service offerings. 

“Technology is definitely very important. It gives us more options. I love to see clients, and I love that personal aspect, but sometimes people are too busy,” Tracey says. “So it’s nice to be able to say, ‘Hey, we can do everything via Docusign’, ‘We can do your VOI via Scantek’. It is definitely really good to have options.” This flexible approach allows her to cater to clients who prefer traditional methods, while also offering the convenience of digital tools like Docusign and Scantek.

Embracing a New Era of Conveyancing

Tracey’s decision to switch to Realtime Conveyancer was spurred by a demonstration that showcased its modern features and user-friendly design. While acknowledging the initial adjustment period, she emphasises that “things have definitely started coming right, and we’re seeing all the benefits and efficiencies that Realtime has to offer.” The Realtime team’s comprehensive support and knowledge have been instrumental in this smooth transition.

Financial Efficiency and PEXA Integration

Among the features that have made a significant difference in Tracey’s business, the financial tools stand out. “I like the balance sheet and the financial side,” she says, highlighting the platform’s auto-balancing capabilities, particularly when acting for two parties. This, combined with the seamless integration with PEXA, has streamlined her financial processes.

A Bright Future 

With Realtime Conveyancer as her partner, Tracey is optimistic about the future of WA Settlement Services. She envisions opening a second office, mentoring a trainee, and transitioning to a paperless or semi-paperless office – all goals that align with the efficiencies she’s been able to achieve with Realtime. 

A Recommendation from Experience

Tracey’s advice for other conveyancers considering Realtime Conveyancer is enthusiastic and straightforward:

“I would definitely recommend other business owners make the switch to Realtime! It’s much more modern. It works really well. All of our queries and suggestions are always taken on board. The team is amazing, and I would definitely recommend it, for sure!”

Media Releases

Land Services WA takes strategic stake in Realtime Conveyancer

Realtime Conveyancer, the leading provider of innovative conveyancing solutions, has announced that Land Services WA has become a strategic investor in the company. 

“We are thrilled to welcome Land Services WA as a shareholder,” said Kylie Dillon, founder and CEO of Realtime Conveyancer. 

“This investment is a testament to the value of our platform and our commitment to transforming the conveyancing industry. We believe that Land Services WA’s expertise and experience will be invaluable as we continue to grow and expand our business.”

Realtime Conveyancer streamlines the conveyancing process, making it faster, easier, and more efficient by reducing traditional manual processes and replacing them with automation and digital tools that can be anywhere from any device. 

Realtime Conveyancers is made up of a revolutionary end-to-end transaction management platform and a consumer app that provides top level cyber security to help conveyancers capture important details, share contracts and keep buyers, sellers and other stakeholders up to date. 

Despite its young age, the startup is on track to transact 50% of Matters in WA through its platform by July, and is already handling 15% of SA Matters in less than six months since launch. 

The strategic investment from Land Services WA will accelerate Realtime Conveyancer’s growth and development, including moves into new states. Realtime Conveyancer has been transacting in WA for the past four years and expanded into South Australia late last year. 

“This investment in Realtime Conveyancer demonstrates the continued confidence in our company and our team,” said Ms Dillon. 

“We are excited to work with them to expand the reach of our innovative platform into the eastern states and make it possible for conveyancers to enjoy the same levels of automation and digitisation as other industries.”

Eugene Suares, CEO of Land Services WA, said this investment is a first for Land Services WA and highlights the importance of and our commitment to, innovation and the Australian proptech industry, particularly in our own backyard WA, where Realtime Conveyancer was founded. 

“We look forward to the continued growth of Realtime Conveyancer, innovation and value to the community stimulated by Realtime Conveyancer and the broader proptech ecosystem,” Mr Suares said.  

“The conveyancing process and practice is an adjacency to our business and component of the property value chain currently undergoing change, innovation, and digitisation. Realtime Conveyancer represents one of the ways that we are investing in innovation and efficiency for the property community.” 

About Realtime Conveyancer

Realtime Conveyancer is a leading provider of innovative conveyancing solutions through its transaction management system and consumer app. Realtime Conveyancer removes the bottlenecks in modern conveyancing, makes it possible to become a paperless office and supports robust, efficient, accurate and secure workflows to help conveyancers embrace the future and deliver a better service to property buyers and sellers.

About Land Services WA

Land Services WA is a privately held company and classified as a digital infrastructure asset. Land Services WA was appointed as the Service Provider for the Landgate Partial commercialisation, in October 2019 to provide, improve and maintain the systems that facilitate Landgate’s automated titling services, including document and plan processing, searches and associated products and services. 

At its core, Land Services WA is a technology solution provider, working collaboratively with the State, clients, and partners. It is committed to delivering products and services that support growth, efficiency, and risk management.

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer Celebrates Three Nominations at the National Proptech Awards 2024

We are so excited to share the wonderful news that Realtime Conveyancer has once again been recognised as a proptech leader, with the announcement that we are a finalist in three prestigious categories at the 2024 Proptech Awards. This national recognition follows closely on the heels of our recent triumph at the Proptech Hub WA Awards, where we were honoured with the Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year award.

As pioneers in the conveyancing technology space, we are constantly pushing the boundaries to enhance the property settlement process, making it more secure, efficient, and user-friendly for both conveyancing professionals and consumers. These nominations reflect our commitment to innovation and excellence across the board:

  • Proptech to Watch: This is the President’s Award, presented to an early-stage proptech that shows significant promise and/or has transformative technology. Being recognised here reaffirms our position as innovators and forward-thinkers in the rapidly evolving proptech landscape.
  • Administration & Efficiency Proptech: Our Transaction Management System has been designed to streamline complex processes and reduce the administrative burden on conveyancers. This nomination underscores our success in enhancing operational efficiencies within the industry.
  • Consumer Proptech: The Pathway to Settlement app represents our commitment to improving the consumer experience and security over the course of property transactions. This tool empowers users with real-time updates and secure exchange of financial information, making the conveyancing process transparent, safe and stress-free.

These accolades are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team who embody our mission every single day to deliver solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our users and clients.

We’d like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you to the organisers at the Proptech Association Australia and the judges for recognising our efforts, as well as to all our fellow finalists – your innovations continue to inspire us. We would also like to acknowledge our clients and industry partners. Your ongoing support and feedback drive us to continually innovate and improve.

We’re looking forward to the upcoming awards gala dinner in July. Whether or not we take out any of these awards, we are incredibly proud of our achievements and excited about the future possibilities in proptech.  Stay tuned for updates as we continue to advance and refine our technologies to better serve Australian conveyancers!

Client Spotlight

Streamlining settlements, empowering working mums. Hanson Property Settlements switch to Realtime Conveyancer.

It’s been just over three years since Katherine Hanson established Hanson Property Settlements. Under her leadership, the team has grown, and they now boast two office locations (Cockburn, in Perth, and Busselton, in WA’s South West). When you speak to Katherine & her team, their passion for their client experience is immediately evident. 

This client-centric, forward-thinking approach, as well as Katherine’s commitment to supporting working mums and providing a flexible workplace, saw the team make the move to Realtime Conveyancer in late 2023. Katherine shared with us recently that the transition to Realtime Conveyancer was a strategic move aimed at ensuring Hanson Property Settlements kept pace with the expectations of the modern consumer and enhanced the overall client experience.

A seamless switch to modern conveyancing

Katherine recalls the switch to Realtime Conveyancer as a pivotal moment for her team. “It’s scary, but you just have to commit. We’re just really enjoying the settlement life at the moment. It’s been enjoyable to come together as a team and work on this project,” she reflects. When we spoke to her team about the move, it was clear that this was a collective decision, with the entire team committing to making the most of their new digital tools.

Realtime Conveyancer has not only enabled the team to streamline their workflow but also supported their goal of moving to a paperless office. Katherine credits Realtime for allowing her office to operate more efficiently, especially in her case, when auditing and signing off on her team’s settlement files. The platform’s cloud-based nature enables her team to work flexibly, including remotely, which has been instrumental in supporting her commitment to ensuring her people have work-life balance.

Using technology to support training & business development

One of the standout features of Realtime Conveyancer for Hanson Property Settlements has been its ability to improve staff training and development. In her recent chat with us, Katherine highlighted how the system’s customisable workflow feature has been able to assist in the training of her team, turning what was a daunting task into an empowering process. “I’ve kind of designed it to be able to train conveyancers because, you know, there’s not a lot of young conveyancers in the industry. But I’m finding that developing this system and pulling my admin staff out of their roles and putting them in junior conveyancer roles, they are really thriving by using that [workflow] overview,” she explained.

In addition to this, Hanson Property Settlements is now able to seamlessly incorporate its post-settlement requests for Google reviews into the Realtime platform. By automatically prompting clients to leave reviews at the conclusion of their settlements, they have seen a jump in clients sharing their positive feedback on Google, increasing their visibility and credibility online. 

Supporting your business every step of the way

At Realtime, we’re committed to supporting our clients from before they start transacting until long after.  In our recent chat with Katherine, she talked about her own experience with the comprehensive support provided by the Realtime team during their transition.  “The level of support from the Realtime team is amazing,” Katherine shared, emphasising her appreciation for the help her whole team was able to access throughout the process.

We’re genuinely so excited to see Hanson Property Settlements continue to go from strength to strength. Their journey is an excellent example of how, while there is never a perfect time for change, embracing the right tech tools can drive efficiency and boost client satisfaction in your conveyancing business. For other firms considering a similar transition, Katherine’s advice is clear:

“You just have to do it. There are so many benefits, not only in relation to procedures and compliance but the way your team feel, the way your processes run, and the way your clients are feeling after the transaction.”

See the full interview with Katherine and the Hanson Property Settlements team below.

If Katherine’s story has inspired you to make the switch to modern, secure conveyancing software, book a demo with our team now!

About Realtime

Realtime wins 15% plus market share in SA

In just a few short months, Realtime Conveyancer has been the technology platform used to transact more than 15% of settlements across South Australia after being adopted by some of the industry’s most forward-thinking conveyancers. 

South Australian conveyancers have embraced the benefits of the new cloud-based technology offered by Realtime including faster settlement times, the ability for team members to collaboratively work on files and game-changing trust account reconciliation.

“The adoption of Realtime Conveyancer in South Australia shows just how tired SA conveyancers are of legacy systems that lock them into paper-based and inefficient work practices that make their lives harder than they need to be,” said Kylie Dillon, the founder of Realtime Conveyancer. 

“To see 15% of transactions in SA being settled through Realtime in just a few short months shows conveyancers are ready to embrace technology that will genuinely improve their businesses, enable them to increase Matters handled while delivering more manageable workloads for their teams.”

Realtime Conveyancer’s innovative platform allows conveyancers to work from anywhere, automates repetitive tasks, supports important third-party integrations and has inbuilt workflows that make it easy for conveyancers to see at a glance the status of a Matter and next steps. 

In addition, conveyancing offices can save thousands of dollars every year in costs associated with printers, server maintenance and internal and external document storage. Realtime’s Pathway to Settlement App allows conveyancers to effortlessly share status updates with clients and request payment information in a secure environment that delivers best-in-class cyber security. 

The South Australian team is led by Jess Kolb and Renee Thomas. To book a live demo of Realtime Conveyancer, go to: 

Book a Demo


To charge GST or not to charge… That is the question!

It’s a debate that has been ongoing since the inception of GST some 20 years ago.  Should conveyancers charge GST on search and enquiry fees or not? Conveyancers, being the highly compliant bunch that we are, want to get it right, so it’s interesting to see that still, depending on who you ask, you’ll probably get a variety of answers ranging from ‘Yes, definitely’ to ‘It depends’ to ‘Of course not’. So what is correct? To get a straight answer for you once and for all, we went straight to the source of the truth: the Australian Taxation Office. Specifically, Goods and Services Tax Ruling GSTR 2000/37 – GST and Reimbursements.

Upon first glance, the ruling may seem daunting, filled with tax jargon that could induce heart palpitations. However, let’s break it down into digestible pieces…

When does GST not apply?

Let’s start with the instances where you shouldn’t add GST. The easiest way to consider this is when you are merely acting as a money handler or a conduit for payments that your clients need to make. Essentially, you’re the go-between, not the end user. These payments are specific costs you incur on behalf of the client, which are not part of your service fee but are essential for completing the client’s required tasks.

For example, when you pay government charges like application fees, registration fees, or court fees on behalf of your client, these disbursements should not attract GST when you recover these costs from your client. This is because you are acting as a paying agent. You are not incurring the cost and then seeking reimbursement from your client. GST-free disbursements include:

  • Application fees
  • Registration fees
  • Court fees
  • Official fines and penalties
  • Stamp duties and other taxes
  • Probate fees

In these instances, the expenses are incurred under your client’s name and authority, and you do not add a markup to these costs. Your role is that of a facilitator, ensuring that the necessary payments are made promptly and accurately.

The only other instance in which GST should not be charged is when the conveyancing business operates under the GST threshold and is not registered for GST.

When does GST apply?

Now, let’s consider the alternative – when GST does apply. There are scenarios where you, as a conveyancer, need to recover costs that are integral to the services you provide. These are not just pass-through expenses but are necessary for delivering your professional service to the client. These costs are incurred by your business during the course of providing your services, and as such, they form part of the consideration for your service delivery, which means they attract GST.

Examples include:

  • Search fees such as council searches, title searches, and Main Roads searches
  • Service of document fees
  • Fees for obtaining official documents like birth, death, or marriage certificates
  • Costs related to court proceedings, such as filing fees and obtaining court transcripts

When you incur these costs directly in the process of providing your conveyancing services and then charge these costs to your clients, GST should be applied. Think of the analogy of a baker buying ingredients to bake a cake for a client – the cost of ingredients (in this case, the disbursements) naturally becomes part of the price of the cake (your service), upon which GST is charged.

Seek professional tax guidance on GST matters

Given the complexities of GST legislation, it’s wise to consult with a tax professional to ensure that your billing practices align with current laws. After all, no conveyancer wants to inadvertently contravene the GST Act. GST on disbursements isn’t just a matter of if but how you apply it based on your role in the payment process and the nature of each cost.

Certainly, the above ruling as it relates to conveyancers will give your tax practitioner an excellent starting point to form the basis of their advice.

Integrating an accurate approach to GST in your conveyancing practices not only ensures you stay on the right side of the law but also solidifies your reputation as a transparent and trustworthy service provider. So, while GST considerations can add an extra layer to your workload, it’s important to get it right. 

See also: ATO Private Ruling Authorisation Number: 1011513551891

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer awarded Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year for the second consecutive year

We are thrilled to share that Realtime Conveyancer has once again been honoured with the prestigious 2024 Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year award at the recent Proptech Hub WA Awards, marking our second consecutive win in this category!

This award is a testament to our unwavering commitment to cybersecurity. At Realtime, we prioritise cyber safety in every feature and enhancement we develop, ensuring that protecting the sensitive and personal information that our clients are required to collect over the course of a property settlement remains at the forefront of our efforts. We are incredibly humbled to be recognised for our dedication to maintaining robust security measures and compliance with privacy laws.

The awards night, hosted by Proptech Hub WA and sponsored by CygnetWest, was a celebration of innovation and excellence in the Western Australian proptech community. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the event organisers and sponsors for a fantastic evening. The event was made even more special with Lord Mayor of the City of Perth, Basil Zempilas, officially opening the night and declaring Perth the PropTech Capital of Australia. The proceedings were expertly guided by Business News Senior Property Journalist Claire Tyrell, and guests enjoyed the amazing Australian native catering provided by Swell Fine Foods.

We also want to extend our congratulations and gratitude to our fellow finalists in the Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year category, Planet and Tappter, for their impressive contributions to enhancing cyber safety within our industry.

Realtime Conveyancer is proud to be part of such an innovative community, and we remain dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in proptech. This recognition fuels our passion for continuing to develop solutions that not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations, ensuring they operate in a secure and efficient digital environment.

Thank you to everyone who has been an integral part of our journey – our clients, partners, and, of course, our Realtime team. Your trust, support, and hard work have been the driving force behind our success. We are excited to continue this journey with you, driving forward with innovation and a commitment to excellence in all that we do.

About Realtime

Meet Jess Kolb, Market Development Executive

Our dedicated Market Development Executive for Adelaide and South Australia, Jess Kolb, is no stranger to digital transformation and is a fierce advocate for the industry’s progress. With a diverse background spanning legal and conveyancing firms and pivotal roles at Property Exchange Australia (PEXA) and Land Services SA, Jess is perfectly positioned to guide our clients through their journey using Realtime Conveyancer.

Joining Realtime back in 2022 was a natural step for Jess. Anyone who speaks to her can immediately understand her deep passion and belief in Realtime’s potential to change the lives of conveyancing business owners. “I have seen firsthand the incredible benefits our platform delivers, and I genuinely want our clients to experience this because I know that the positive impact will be felt not only in their business but in their personal life too,” Jess shares. 

A typical day for Jess sees her out on the road connecting with conveyancers, demonstrating how Realtime can streamline their operations, enhance their security, and give them the tools to deliver a superior customer experience. Something that initially drew Jess to Realtime was the collective empowering spirit she saw fostered within the team. “I see every interaction as an opportunity for growth. I am here not just to sell a product but to work with the whole Realtime team and with industry to foster a community of forward-thinkers,” Jess remarks.

She acknowledges that change can feel scary. Empathy is one of her best qualities, and her firsthand experience of the industry’s transition from traditional to electronic conveyancing has equipped her with invaluable insights into managing change and overcoming the challenges that often accompany new technology. She vividly recalls the industry’s transformation, noting, “Once resistant to change, most conveyancers I speak to now can barely even remember the pre-eConveyancing era.” 

As Realtime Conveyancer continues to evolve and innovate, Jess remains a vital part of our success and our client’s success in implementing our technology across the South Australian conveyancing industry. Her energy, expertise, and genuine commitment to her client’s success make her an indispensable part of our team and a significant contributor to the broader property industry.

Are you a South Australian conveyancer ready to transform your conveyancing practice with the latest technology? Jess would love to show you the difference Realtime Conveyancer can make to your workflow and client interactions. Book a personalised demo with her today!

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer Celebrates Five Nominations at the 2024 Proptech Hub WA Awards

We are thrilled to announce that Realtime Conveyancer has been named a finalist in not one but five distinguished categories at the 2024 Cygnet West Proptech Hub WA Awards. These prestigious awards honour innovation and excellence within the property technology sector in Western Australia, and being recognised across such a broad spectrum of categories underscores our commitment to pioneering technology in the property and, more specifically, the conveyancing industry.

Realtime Conveyancer has been acknowledged in the following categories:

  • Scale Up of the Year: This nomination highlights our rapid growth and scaling efforts that have seen us deliver market-leading innovations to conveyancing practitioners.
  • Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year: We are proud to once again be recognised for our stringent data security measures and robust cybersecurity protocols, ensuring client data protection and system integrity.
  • Proptech in Land & Settlements of the Year: This category showcases our specialised innovations and contributions to the conveyancing sector.
  • Entrepreneur of the Year – Kylie Dillon: Our CEO, Kylie Dillon, is celebrated for her outstanding leadership and entrepreneurial spirit, which continue to drive our company forward.
  • Executive of the Year – Sunil Sanganbatte: Our CTO, Sunil Sanganbatte, receives well-deserved recognition for his visionary approach and executive excellence in developing the Realtime platform.

These nominations are a testament to our team’s dedication, passion, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Each category reflects a unique aspect of our business. To be recognised for our strategic growth initiatives, the safeguarding of cybersecurity, and our innovative leadership is truly an honour.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the finalists across all of the various categories and express our profound gratitude to our dynamic team, whose expertise and hard work have brought us to this point. We also thank our clients and partners for their trust and collaboration, which are crucial to our ongoing success.

The winners will be announced at the upcoming Cygnet West Proptech Hub WA Awards ceremony in June, and we are excited to celebrate the accomplishments of all nominees and winners. This night is sure to be one to remember, with an opening by Lord Mayor of the City of Perth, Basil Zempilas, MC Claire Tyrell of Business News and a Keynote Address by the CEO of Cygnet West, Imran Mohiuddin.

Whether we bring home the awards or not, being recognised in such diverse categories is already a significant honour and motivates us to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in proptech.


Are you crazy busy or just crazy?

Einstein once famously said that the definition of insanity was to keep doing the same thing repeatedly and expect a different result. 

If that’s the case, the majority of conveyancers risk being labelled crazy because of our commitment to continuing to work the way we have always done while hoping that maybe next month, things will calm down a bit and we’ll be able to catch our breath.

There are some key cultural reasons why the workload for conveyancers has significantly increased over the past five years – and it’s got nothing to do with the personal diligence or commitment of conveyancers. 

Rather, changing client expectations created by the adoption of technology across all aspects of our lives has made us increasingly impatient as a society with structures and processes that seem confusing, opaque and slow. If I can see every step of my $20 pizza being made and delivered, surely it’s not unreasonable to expect a similar service when settling a property that is the most expensive thing I will ever buy in my life, right? 


With conveyancers relying on phone, email and paper based processes as the primary tools to deliver our services, it places extraordinary stress on our people to personally try to meet these client expectations. 

The result is days, weeks and months feeling like we are constantly chasing our tails always communicating or missing calls with clients, and driven by a constant adrenalin rush that pricks every time we fear a dropped ball between parties, a missed detail or an error that causes a settlement delay. 

We demand excellence from ourselves – ALL the time – because the tools that we use to do our job are no longer fit for purpose. And when things don’t work as intended we simply work harder and longer hours to fix it until we find that we are always in the office. (With the occasional bout of crying at your desk or in a toilet cubicle).

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Preliminary results of new research from Realtime Conveyancer show that 72% of conveyancers say dealing with stress is one of the biggest challenges in the industry. 

And this has big ramifications for us as an industry because 34% state that finding and retaining staff is becoming harder and harder with 17% looking to leave the industry and a further 14% saying they are affected by burnout. 

Yet when faced with so many compelling and essential reasons for change, the response from so many conveyancers is that they just simply don’t have the time. Maybe next month, next quarter or next year when things are not so – you guessed it – busy. 

Hoping things will calm down enough to give you the bandwidth you need to adopt tools and processes that will genuinely give you back time, reduce stress and support workflows that let you and your staff commit to something closer to a 38-hour week is not a strategy. 

Instead, we should identify technology that will be a genuine game changer for our businesses, intentionally plan our next move, set a timeline, make sure we have a supportive and patient and technical team behind us and carve out time for training and adoption. (It’s rarely as hard as we fear). 

You don’t have to be a genius to realise that anything else is just crazy. 

If work is always mad for you and your team, it’s time for change and we’d love to help. 

Book a demo to see how Realtime Conveyancer can help you and your team get your lives back.


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