About Realtime

Meet Jess Kolb, Market Development Executive

Our dedicated Market Development Executive for Adelaide and South Australia, Jess Kolb, is no stranger to digital transformation and is a fierce advocate for the industry’s progress. With a diverse background spanning legal and conveyancing firms and pivotal roles at Property Exchange Australia (PEXA) and Land Services SA, Jess is perfectly positioned to guide our clients through their journey using Realtime Conveyancer.

Joining Realtime back in 2022 was a natural step for Jess. Anyone who speaks to her can immediately understand her deep passion and belief in Realtime’s potential to change the lives of conveyancing business owners. “I have seen firsthand the incredible benefits our platform delivers, and I genuinely want our clients to experience this because I know that the positive impact will be felt not only in their business but in their personal life too,” Jess shares. 

A typical day for Jess sees her out on the road connecting with conveyancers, demonstrating how Realtime can streamline their operations, enhance their security, and give them the tools to deliver a superior customer experience. Something that initially drew Jess to Realtime was the collective empowering spirit she saw fostered within the team. “I see every interaction as an opportunity for growth. I am here not just to sell a product but to work with the whole Realtime team and with industry to foster a community of forward-thinkers,” Jess remarks.

She acknowledges that change can feel scary. Empathy is one of her best qualities, and her firsthand experience of the industry’s transition from traditional to electronic conveyancing has equipped her with invaluable insights into managing change and overcoming the challenges that often accompany new technology. She vividly recalls the industry’s transformation, noting, “Once resistant to change, most conveyancers I speak to now can barely even remember the pre-eConveyancing era.” 

As Realtime Conveyancer continues to evolve and innovate, Jess remains a vital part of our success and our client’s success in implementing our technology across the South Australian conveyancing industry. Her energy, expertise, and genuine commitment to her client’s success make her an indispensable part of our team and a significant contributor to the broader property industry.

Are you a South Australian conveyancer ready to transform your conveyancing practice with the latest technology? Jess would love to show you the difference Realtime Conveyancer can make to your workflow and client interactions. Book a personalised demo with her today!


How is your client’s data safeguarded from cyber threats?

It’s a topic that is at the forefront of every modern conveyancing business owner’s mind. Client data security. As technology advances and data becomes increasingly digitised, the risk of data breaches, cyber-attacks, and privacy violations looms large. Over the course of any given conveyancing transaction, massive amounts of sensitive information are exchanged, so the security and confidentiality of client data are paramount. Conveyancing businesses, like any others handling personal information, must be vigilant against potential risks and threats to data security.

Data breaches, cyber-attacks, and privacy concerns are not new phenomena. However, with the rapid advancement of technology and the growing reliance on digital platforms, the landscape of data security is evolving, and with this, conveyancers are presented with new challenges and vulnerabilities. It’s critical to stay informed about these trends and take proactive measures to safeguard your clients’ data.

Data Breaches

One of the most significant threats facing conveyancing businesses is the risk of data breaches. A data breach occurs when unauthorised individuals gain access to sensitive information, such as personal details, financial records, or legal documents. These breaches can occur through various means, including hacking, phishing scams, malware infections, or even physical theft of devices.

At Realtime Conveyancer, we understand the critical importance of data security in the conveyancing process. We are committed to implementing robust policies and practices to protect the privacy and integrity of the information entrusted to us by our clients.

Our commitment to data security extends to the systems and infrastructure we employ. Realtime Conveyancer utilises Microsoft Azure, a leading cloud computing platform known for its advanced security features and compliance certifications. You and your client’s data is encrypted during transmission and while at rest, using industry-standard protocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). All data stored by Realtime is done so within Australia. This ensures that your data is not only secure but also compliant with data residency regulations.

Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are another prevalent threat to client data security. Cybercriminals employ sophisticated techniques to infiltrate systems, steal data, and disrupt operations. These attacks can range from ransomware and malware infections to distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and social engineering scams. The consequences of a successful cyber attack can be severe, resulting in financial loss, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. Access to our databases is secured using Cloudflare, which provides an additional layer of security, including DDoS attack mitigation, to further safeguard your data.

Privacy Concerns

Privacy concerns also pose significant challenges for conveyancing businesses. With the introduction of data privacy regulations such as the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Act Review 2023, organisations are under increasing pressure to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of client information. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines, legal penalties, and damage to reputation.

Realtime Conveyancer complies with these regulations and adheres to the Australian Government’s Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme, ensuring that our data handling practices meet the highest standards of security and accountability.

Internal Threats & Risks

In addition to external threats, conveyancing businesses also face internal risks, such as employee negligence or misconduct. Accidental data breaches, unauthorised access to information, or improper handling of sensitive data can all pose significant risks to client confidentiality. It’s essential for organisations to implement robust security policies, employee training programs, and access controls to mitigate these internal threats.

There are many training options available to ensure that your staff stays up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity best practices. Contact your local AIC for information about what courses are available to you and your team.

Conveyancing Best Practices

Ultimately, protecting client data requires a multifaceted approach from conveyancing business owners as well as their teams that addresses both technical and human factors. Our goal at Realtime Conveyancer is to provide our clients with peace of mind, knowing that their data is in safe hands. We recognise that data security is not just a legal obligation. For conveyancers, it is a fundamental aspect of building trust and confidence with your clients, and so to for us, with you. 

Find out more about our data use and security practices.

Client Spotlight

Think you’re too busy to switch software providers? Meet someone who was, but did it anyway.

There’s somewhat of a trend in recent years, where at the beginning of the new year, people pick a ‘word’ that they’ll base their year on. Usually, it’s something upbeat or motivating. For conveyancing in 2024, though, that word has got to be BUSY. Everybody we speak to is busy. Busy with files. Busy being understaffed and overworked. Busy, busy, busy. A good problem to have, yes. But for many, too busy to even think about transitioning to a new software platform. It feels like a daunting, if not downright impossible, process. Yet, amidst all the chaos of managing files, correspondence, and appointments, there is a solution that will streamline your processes, boost your efficiency, and ultimately transform the way you work.

Valerie Bellerose, the licensee of Bellerose Property Conveyancing, knows this struggle all too well. In her own words, she shares her journey of transitioning to Realtime Conveyancer – a decision that initially seemed daunting but ultimately proved to be a game-changer for her business.

“I always knew that there had to be something new and better than the previous program that I was using,” Valerie recalls. “And as a settlement agent, I was very set in my ways and decided that I had to step outside the box if I wanted things to be different.”

For Valerie, stepping outside the box was critical. Like many conveyancers, her boutique business is built on referrals, and she prides herself on offering bespoke, highly personalised service to her clients. Embracing change was not just about improving efficiency for her; it was about maintaining, and even surpassing, the already high standards of service that her clients and referral partners have come to expect.

What caught Valerie’s attention about Realtime Conveyancer was its innovative approach to streamlining processes, especially its Auto Finance tab. This feature, she says, is the most valuable part of the system. “The new system’s ways of receipting, balancing files, payments… The Auto Finance tab is probably the thing that I like most about the system because it saves a lot of time.”

For Valerie, time is of the essence, especially as a self-employed business owner with personal commitments scattered throughout the day. With Realtime Conveyancer, she found the flexibility to manage her workload efficiently, even while attending personal appointments. “Because I work for myself, I need to go to personal appointments during the day. And I use my phone to email clients, check on certain things happening on my files, and it never stops. Using Realtime has made that possible.”

One of the standout features of Realtime Conveyancer for Valerie was its ease of use and the comprehensive support provided by the Realtime team. Despite initial reservations, Valerie found the transition process to be seamless, thanks to the intuitive nature of the platform and the dedicated assistance she received. “Learning the system was really easy. Very seamless because it’s been simplified. The ladies, Katelyn, Nicole, and Alannah were fantastic. They never made me feel like I was silly for asking questions, because I felt they were all relevant to what I was doing.”

Reflecting on her experience, Valerie offers a word of encouragement to fellow conveyancers who may be hesitant to make the switch: “I’d say just do it. There’s never an easy time or the best time. It’s always daunting. Everything’s always daunting. I would just do it and see how it rolls. There’s so much support out there, even from other conveyancers that are using the system.”

Like many conveyancers, Valerie felt too busy to embrace change, even though she knew this was what was needed for her business. But by taking the leap and transitioning to Realtime Conveyancer, she could work at a new level of efficiency and productivity, offering unparalleled support to her buyers and sellers. This is a decision she has never regretted. As she aptly puts it, “The only regret you’ll have is not doing it.”

So, find an hour in your day and take the first step you know that your business needs. Book a demo with us now!

About Realtime

Meet Alannah Dillon, Market Development Executive

In the fast-paced world of conveyancing, access to effective tools and dedicated support can significantly enhance productivity and ease the daily pressures conveyancers face. Alannah Dillon is one of our Market Development Executives based in WA. Since joining us in 2022, Alannah’s days are filled with platform demos, onboarding and training new clients, and generally supporting our users to leverage the Realtime platform to its fullest potential.

Before joining our team, Alannah worked as a conveyancing assistant within a prominent conveyancing firm in Perth’s north-east. This role equipped her with a practical understanding of the conveyancing process, positioning her perfectly to appreciate the nuanced needs of our clients. Her transition to Realtime was driven by a desire to apply this hands-on knowledge to help conveyancers benefit from our world-first technology.

In her current role, Alannah is often the first touchpoint for new and existing users. It’s safe to say that Alannah’s bright and sunny disposition is a welcome site in our user’s offices. “Realtime Conveyancer is a transaction management software used by conveyancers.. to do their start-to-end transactions. It’s cloud-based, which means you can work from any device, anywhere, at any time,” Alannah explains. She takes pride in the flexibility and efficiency Realtime offers, as she knows how valuable this is for conveyancing business owners who are predominantly small business owners balancing the juggles of personal and business responsibilities.  

She has countless stories of clients who’ve managed their conveyancing tasks from remote locations or amidst a busy schedule without skipping a beat. One of her most memorable ones from early in her journey. Alannah recalls, “We had a client who was in Bali and she called us when she got home and said that Realtime was the best decision that she had made. She was sitting by the pool when a settlement came forward earlier than expected, and she was able to do everything she needed to do from Bali using Realtime.”

Alannah’s favourite aspect of her job is interacting with a diverse range of industry professionals – from conveyancers and business owners to support staff and industry partners. This engagement fuels her passion for the industry and reinforces Realtime’s commitment to community and client support.

As Realtime Conveyancer continues to evolve, our customer-facing team members like Alannah are indispensable in our vision to empower conveyancers. These passionate, genuine people are there to support conveyancers like you in continuing to deliver exceptional customer experiences to your buyers and sellers. If you’re ready to work more efficiently with industry-leading security and automation, Alannah and the Realtime team are ready to guide you every step of the way. Book a personalised demo today.

About Realtime

Meet Nicole King, Customer Success

Conveyancers spend their days juggling competing priorities and deadlines, so having the right tools and support can make all the difference. Nicole King is one of our passionate team members who understands firsthand the challenges faced by conveyancers. Nicole is a licensed conveyancer with a wealth of experience, and she’s here to champion your success.

Before she joined the Realtime Conveyancer, Nicole served as the Licensee of a large WA conveyancing firm in Perth’s north-east. Under her leadership, the agency was not only an early adopter of eConveyancing, embracing digital transformation, but also consistently ranked among the top transactors in Western Australia. 

In her role as a Customer Success expert, Nicole is focused on empowering conveyancers, and she’s committed to ensuring that your experience with Realtime Conveyancer is nothing short of exceptional. In her own words, Nicole shares, “We just want to empower the conveyancers, give them time back in their day and get Realtime to be a really great experience for them.” 

Realtime Conveyancer is designed to streamline your day-to-day tasks and processes, ultimately enabling you to work more efficiently. “It is a really stressful, hard job that conveyancers do,” Nicole acknowledges. “So we want to be able to give them a bit of flexibility, a bit of time back in their day, some time to actually advise their clients and deal with their clients, by using technology as a tool to give them that time back.”

Embracing technology can seem overwhelming, especially given that the conveyancing industry has been subjected to a plethora of changes in recent years. Nicole reassures, “It [change] doesn’t have to be a scary thing. It can actually help you bring efficiencies into your office, and technology, I guess, is the tool to help you bring your business forward.”

With Realtime Conveyancer’s cloud-based technology, conveyancers regain control over their time. Nicole highlights, “With Realtime, the technology gives them those efficiencies back into their day because it is cloud-based. You can use it anywhere, anytime, any device. That’s what people need.”

Nicole’s personal experience as a licensed conveyancer allows her to uniquely connect with the challenges of the modern conveyancer. Her true reward though is seeing the impact of Realtime Conveyancer’s technology on your experience. “I love seeing the excitement on the customer’s face when they learn something new,” she shares. “I guess it’s making a really hard job a little bit more fun and exciting. That’s really good and a really lovely feeling to have.”

At Realtime Conveyancer, we don’t just provide you with a piece of software. We’re here to work with you and support you every step of the way. If you’re ready to embrace technology and transform your conveyancing experience, we invite you to connect with one of our friendly team and discover how Realtime Conveyancer can empower you.

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer – Live in South Australia for Seamless Property Transactions

In case you missed our news? We’re thrilled to announce that Realtime Conveyancer officially went live in South Australia late in 2023! This exciting development marks a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionise the property settlement industry for conveyancers. 

As we embark on this new chapter, we want to take a moment to share what sets us apart as your premier conveyancing software partner and introduce you to our dedicated team (who you quite likely already know) on the ground in SA.

So, what makes Realtime Conveyancer the best choice for South Australian conveyancers?

At Realtime Conveyancer, our mission goes beyond providing cutting-edge conveyancing technology. 

We have a deep connection and genuine care for this industry. 

Every single person on our team is committed to your success. From our founder, Kylie Dillon, to our teams on the ground in SA & WA to our developers. We are all so genuinely passionate about empowering conveyancers just like you with the tools and support they need to thrive in today’s fast-paced property market. 

Our industry-leading features include:

  • Deep integration with PEXA, from opening workspaces and accepting invitations to uploading your financials straight from Realtime to your workspace.
  • Our unique Auto-Finance feature allows conveyancers to balance and re-balance their matters in seconds, making last-minute changes on the morning of settlement simple and stress-free.
  • Workflow automations allow you to spend less time catching up on where a matter is at and more time building relationships with your clients.

But what does this mean for your business?

  • Human-Centric Approach: We understand that conveyancing is not just about transactions; it’s about people. Our human-centric approach means we deeply care about your well-being and success. We’re here to support you every step of the way, making your journey smoother and less stressful.
  • Seamless Technology: Our platform is designed with you in mind, combining intuitive features, automation and market-leading integrations with PEXA, Stewart Title, Movinghub and more. In short, Realtime Conveyancer empowers you to settle more transactions in less time, reducing stress and increasing efficiency.
  • Proven Success: We’ve already seen hundreds of transactions successfully processed in South Australia using our platform (not to mention the tens of thousands of transactions that have also been settled in WA). Our clients tell us that our technology has made them happier, less stressed, and more productive. It’s not just about software; it’s about bringing the joy back into your conveyancing experience.
  • Local Expertise: With our dedicated South Australian team who have extensive hands-on industry experience, you can trust that our platform is finely tuned to meet the specific needs of the SA market. We understand the intricacies of South Australian property transactions and are here to support you every step of the way.

Let’s introduce you to our South Australian team

As part of our commitment to provide exceptional service to the South Australian conveyancing community, our SA team is comprised of Market Development Executives Jess Kolb & Renee Thomas, Chief Technology Officer Sunil Sanganbatte and eight members of our development team. Sunil is looking forward to meeting with Realtime’s users directly to hear their feedback and thoughts on the platform.

Jess Kolb has a wealth of experience, having worked in conveyancing and adjacent industries since 2007. Prior to joining Realtime Conveyancer, Jess held key roles at PEXA & Land Services SA. Jess is known for her exceptional kindness and genuine care for your success. From your first contact with Jess right the way through to your 1000th transaction and beyond, she’ll be there offering tailored support to ensure your transition to Realtime is seamless.

Renee Thomas is a seasoned professional with 18 years of experience in the conveyancing industry. Over the course of her career, Renee has spent 12 years as a Registered Conveyancer, working with various firms across South Australia. Renee’s unwavering dedication and extensive experience in conveyancing reflect her commitment to ensuring your journey with Realtime is marked by personalised service and a seamless transition that caters to the distinct requirements of your firm.

Welcome to the Realtime Conveyancer community, South Australia! We’re excited to be your partner on the journey to building a more efficient, less stressful conveyancing business. To see the platform in action, including amazing features like workflow automation, our unique Auto-Finance feature & integrations with industry-leading partners, you can book a personalised demo with our South Australian team.

For more information, visit our website.

Media Releases

Celebrating WA with our ‘Better Late Than Never’ Launch!

Realtime Conveyancer has been live in WA for 12 months, but as we were planning our South Australian launch party, we realised that we were yet to celebrate this same milestone in WA. How remiss of us! And so became our WA ‘Better Late Than Never’ Launch Party on 30 November at the fabulous Henry’s Rooftop at The Reveley on Perth’s magnificent Elizabeth Quay.

We were joined at this event by almost 100 of our clients & WA conveyancers, integration partners and industry stakeholders. And what a night it was! The energy was electric, and many guests commented about the incredible community spirit they felt being part of the Realtime family, not only at this event but in their business in general.

Kylie Dillon, our founder & CEO, took a moment to say a few words, thanking guests for their ongoing support and reflecting on the incredible journey that had led all of us to that point. She gave a special mention to the Realtime Conveyancer team, who have worked tirelessly over the past few years to bring her vision to life and shared our heartfelt gratitude to all in attendance for being part of this special celebration. 

Special thanks go to The Reveley and their wonderful team for the delicious food and drinks that continued to flow throughout the night. Our celebration was made extra-special with our pink signature cocktail and mocktail creations, ‘The Ruby’ and ‘The Realtime’. 

Something that Kylie summed up beautifully in her speech was the importance of working together and collaboration over competition. Building a community is something that is at the heart of what Realtime is all about, something that far transcends the development of conveyancing software. It was so wonderful to witness some of WA’s most innovative conveyancers come together with leading industry stakeholders and build some incredible connections at this event.

After looking back on the years gone by and celebrating some incredible achievements, it’s now time to look forward to 2024 with gratitude to all of those who have supported us in our journey so far. We’re excited to continue to deliver amazing features and innovative technology for WA conveyancers.

Media Releases

A Night to Remember: Realtime Conveyancer’s South Australian Launch Party

We marked Realtime Conveyancer’s highly anticipated launch into the South Australian conveyancing market with a celebration at the trendy Adelaide venue, The Cumby. This launch event signified our firm commitment to innovation and digital transformation in South Australia and recognised the incredible support we have received from the South Australian conveyancing community. 

With around 60 of our fabulous clients, board members, investors, and industry partners in attendance, many commented on the real sense of community and collaboration in the room.

Realtime Conveyancer’s founder & CEO, Kylie Dillon, thanked guests for their ongoing support and shared our heartfelt gratitude for being part of this special celebration. We believe that our success and the success of the conveyancing industry are intricately tied to the relationships we build. This event was a perfect opportunity to connect with those who have been an integral part of our journey.

And what’s a celebration without a (pink) signature cocktail? The Cumby curated ‘The Ruby’ especially for our guests as they arrived at the event. It certainly was a delicious way to start the night!

Throughout the evening, it was evident that the Realtime community is not just about conveyancing software. It’s about building meaningful connections and about collaboration over competition. We were thrilled to see so many of our wonderful clients (representing some of the finest conveyancers in South Australia) talking and laughing with industry peers and investors.

As we move forward into this exciting new chapter, we are both excited and humbled by the overwhelming support we’ve had from the South Australian conveyancing community. We’re looking forward to empowering many more conveyancers with the latest, most innovative conveyancing software to help them continue to deliver exceptional service to their clients. 


Proptech TV Perth with Realtime Conveyancer

At the AICWA Conference back in July, our marketing & communications officer, Katelyn sat down with Ash from the WA Proptech Hub to talk about all things innovation, proptech in WA and, of course, Realtime Conveyancer.

In this episode of Proptech TV, we talk about the catch-22 facing business owners who are actively seeking ways to make their business more efficient but feel like they’re too busy to implement those changes. Users who’ve made the switch to Realtime have told us that once they committed to making the change, they now have all this time back in their day. They’re free to do other things in their business, like networking or spending more time with their family.

We also dived into the (in our opinion, very likely) prospect of WA becoming the Proptech Capital of Australia and the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are invested in growing together.

Watch the full episode now and read the transcript below.

Sarah: So we’re still here at the AICWA Future Focus conference and I’ve found Katelyn from Realtime Conveyancer.  How are you Katelyn?

Katelyn: I’m good thanks, Sarah. How are you?

Sarah: How you feeling the vibe today?

Katelyn: It’s fantastic, everyone is just so excited to be here. I’ve been to I think 5 or 6 conferences now and the vibe is next level this year.

Sarah: It is, I had to just literally drag you away from the table.  So Realtime Conveyancer being around now this is what their second conference?

Katelyn: Third conference.

Sarah: That’s exciting. It’s a game changer for WA.

Katelyn: It really is. I was thinking back to our first conference and you know we hadn’t really gone live. We’d done some beta testing but now we’re well and truly in the market. The feedback that we’re getting is phenomenal and the number of people that have come up today to chat to us and say like I need to do this. Now’s the time.

Sarah: Exciting and now big interviews with the Prop Tech Hub.

Katelyn: Absolutely, I’ve made it!

Sarah: You feeling okay big TV star?

Katelyn: Feeling all good!

Sarah: Your makeup’s done, you’re looking amazing.

Katelyn: Well no I’ll just say you didn’t give me any prior warning about this.

Sarah: You look absolutely beautiful. All right well let’s not hold you back let’s go see Ash.  Thanks for joining us and look forward to hearing what you’ve got to say. Thanks Katelyn.

Ash: Back again, here with Katelyn from Realtime Conveyancer. Thank you for being on the show.

Katelyn: No worries.

Ash: So, we’re at the conference – Future Focus. What does future focus mean to you?

Katelyn: Well, we are all about taking traditionally quite a paper-based process of conveyancing and digitalising it and more than that actually taking it into the future. Future-proofing conveyancing businesses so making sure that they’ve got the tools and they’re empowered to actually run their business in a modern way.

Ash: Very relevant obviously to a conveyancing association right?

Katelyn: Yes, absolutely.

Ash: Because you’re streamlining that whole process. So, what are some of the challenges facing conveyancers right now?

Katelyn: I think a lot of it is the unknown. It’s quite daunting to be faced with the prospect of turning what you do day to day up on its head and completely changing the way that you run your business.  It is a hard thing to do in baby steps, I guess. What we’re what we’re getting the best feedback is the firms that do just jump in head first but it takes a lot to get to that point. To be confident to do that.

Ash: Yeah and you know Innovation I guess with the conveyancers are they adopting it you know easily and willingly or does it take you know a while to get them on board and understanding and seeing you know what the benefits are for them?

Katelyn: The benefits are very apparent to everyone that we speak to straight away. The market is so busy at the moment so what we’re finding is that it’s just having the time to actually sit down and make those changes that is the biggest challenge at the minute. But once they do make those changes they get all this time back in their day and it frees them up to do other things in their business to make it even more efficient.

Ash: So over the next 12 months you know what’s important to you guys and what are you going to be trying to achieve?

Katelyn: We really just want to empower as many businesses as we can to work in modern ways.  So give them the tools help them to succeed and grow their businesses.

Ash: So a conveyancer out there that’s watching this or someone in that space how do they actually contact Realtime and begin the process?

Katelyn: Yeah so you can just jump on our website so realtimeconveyancer.com.au and you can book a demo in and Alannah or one of our team will be able to come out and show you exactly what the platform can do for your business.

Ash: So you know Alannah or one of the team members comes out you know what does a business do? Do they set up an account and then how do they really you know get involved and actually get it to work for them?

Katelyn: So, once you’ve decided that this is what you want to do in your business you can apply to join Realtime. It’s just a form that you fill out on our website. We go through all of the setup with you. We’ll even, down to things like your email signatures – we’ll import those into the program for you. We’ll set up all your Integrations with PEXA and your ID services and things like that. And then you’re good to go! We’ll take you through some initial training but what we find is most people like to sit down and have a bit of a play and come back with some questions so we guide them over a series of you know four to six weeks.  Checking in continuously, to make sure that you know everything’s OK.

Ash: So over the past sort of few years it’s been a bit of a property boom lots and lots and lots of transactions and all indications are that it’s going to slow down a little bit. I guess that’s going to give conveyancers a bit of time to breathe and try these new things but how is that going to you know affect your business moving forward?

Katelyn: For us it will really give us an opportunity to cement some really cool new features. So at the moment there’s a lot of we’re spending a lot of time on innovating and um coming up with our road map, I guess for where we want to be in the next 5, 10, 15 years.  But yeah we’ll just get a bit more of an opportunity to sit down hold conveyancers hands just that little bit more while in the background we can continue to work on those features.

Ash: Because you’re operating in Western Australia and South Australia?

Katelyn: Yes.

Ash: Is there plans to go to other states in territories in Australia?

Katelyn: I don’t know.

Ash: And when will that kind of you know happen? Is there sort of like a roadmap of Australia domination, International domination? So it’s not on the white board in the office?

Katelyn: Well see I work remotely so it could well be on the whiteboard.

Ash: Oh lovely but South Australia has been the second market you’ve entered and how’s that going?

Katelyn: It’s going really, really well. So one of our beta testers settled their first property on Realtime this week.

Ash: Incredible.

Katelyn: So that was a very exciting milestone for us and the feedback that we got from them was phenomenal.

Ash: Oh that’s lovely. Bringing you back to today’s conference what are you hoping to achieve from being here?

Katelyn: For us, it’s really just getting in front of WA conveyancers, seeing people that we often we only connect with once a year at these events.  All of us are ex-conveyancers ourselves so you know we’ve worked side by side all of these people it’s really great just to catch up and see how everything’s going for them and if we can you know impart a little bit of um you know a few tips and tricks to make their lives a bit more efficient and give them some more time in their day then that’s a bonus.

Ash: Yeah sure so this year PropTech Hub WA declared that Perth will be the proptech capital of Australia within the next 365 days. Do you think that’s possible?

Katelyn: Absolutely!

Ash: And what would it mean to you guys to be you know in WA, operating from WA, you know with a hundred or hundreds of other innovators you know all in the same backyard and being able to learn from them?

Katelyn: I think um it’s really important to surround yourself with like minded people, We can only grow if we’re around people that want to build us up so to be around people like that constantly is only going to benefit all of us.

Ash: Agreed. Well thank you so much for being on the show, thank you very much for watching and we’ll see you next episode. Until then take care.


The benefits of moving to a paperless conveyancing office

Embracing a paperless environment in your conveyancing office isn’t merely about technological innovation. In this modern era of conveyancing, there is a lot of talk about paperless offices and the trend towards this. For some, it may allow more flexible work practices, including remote working and work-from-home arrangements. For others, it’s the appeal of the environmental benefits. Whatever your motivation, becoming a paperless conveyancing practice brings multiple benefits to you, your team and your clients helping you to work more efficiently and more securely, including:

1. Enhanced Accessibility

In a paperless office, documents and data are accessible anytime, anywhere, and from any device with an internet connection. Using tools such as Realtime Conveyancer, you’ll have heightened accessibility. This means you can quickly retrieve critical information, respond to client enquiries more efficiently, and collaborate seamlessly with your team, even when working on the road or from home.

2. Increased Efficiency

Digital workflows and automation eliminate time-consuming manual tasks, allowing your team to focus on higher-value activities. With streamlined processes, you can choose to handle more matters simultaneously, reduce turnaround times, and deliver exceptional service that sets you apart in a competitive market.

3. Enhanced Security

Choosing the right proptech tools with robust security features protects your sensitive client information from physical threats like theft, fire, or natural disasters. Role-based access control ensures that only authorised personnel can view or edit documents, bolstering data protection.

4. Cost Savings

Transitioning to a paperless environment reduces expenses associated with printing, paper, storage space, and courier services. These cost savings can significantly impact your bottom line, increasing your business’s profitability.

5. Reduced Environmental Impact

By eliminating the need for paper, your office contributes to a greener, more sustainable future. Fewer paper resources consumed and reduced waste generation lessen your carbon footprint, demonstrating your commitment to environmental responsibility.

6. Enhanced Client Satisfaction

Consumers today can access almost anything they need straight from their smart device, and they have come to expect the same from their homeownership journey. Clients appreciate the efficiency and convenience of a paperless process. They can access their documents and monitor the progress of their transactions online, with innovative tools such as Pathway to Settlement leading to higher client satisfaction and more referrals for your business.

7. Competitive Advantage

A paperless conveyancing office sets you apart as a modern, tech-savvy business prioritising efficiency, security, and client satisfaction. This competitive advantage can attract new clients and strengthen your position in the market.

8. Business Continuity

In the event of unforeseen disruptions or emergencies, digital document storage ensures business continuity. Suppose your office suddenly becomes inaccessible, for example, due to a fire or flood.  Having all of your documentation stored in the cloud digitally means your data remains safe and accessible, allowing your team to work remotely and maintain essential operations without interruption.

The journey toward a paperless conveyancing office is not merely a modern trend but a strategic move with profound benefits for your business. In an era where clients expect instant updates and streamlined services, where regulations demand heightened data protection, and where sustainability is a global priority, the decision to go paperless is not just prudent, it’s essential for the future-proofing of your business. Breaking free from the constraints of paper and adopting digital workflows allows you to optimise your operations and align with the evolving demands of the conveyancing landscape.


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