Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer Celebrates Three Nominations at the National Proptech Awards 2024

We are so excited to share the wonderful news that Realtime Conveyancer has once again been recognised as a proptech leader, with the announcement that we are a finalist in three prestigious categories at the 2024 Proptech Awards. This national recognition follows closely on the heels of our recent triumph at the Proptech Hub WA Awards, where we were honoured with the Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year award.

As pioneers in the conveyancing technology space, we are constantly pushing the boundaries to enhance the property settlement process, making it more secure, efficient, and user-friendly for both conveyancing professionals and consumers. These nominations reflect our commitment to innovation and excellence across the board:

  • Proptech to Watch: This is the President’s Award, presented to an early-stage proptech that shows significant promise and/or has transformative technology. Being recognised here reaffirms our position as innovators and forward-thinkers in the rapidly evolving proptech landscape.
  • Administration & Efficiency Proptech: Our Transaction Management System has been designed to streamline complex processes and reduce the administrative burden on conveyancers. This nomination underscores our success in enhancing operational efficiencies within the industry.
  • Consumer Proptech: The Pathway to Settlement app represents our commitment to improving the consumer experience and security over the course of property transactions. This tool empowers users with real-time updates and secure exchange of financial information, making the conveyancing process transparent, safe and stress-free.

These accolades are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team who embody our mission every single day to deliver solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our users and clients.

We’d like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you to the organisers at the Proptech Association Australia and the judges for recognising our efforts, as well as to all our fellow finalists – your innovations continue to inspire us. We would also like to acknowledge our clients and industry partners. Your ongoing support and feedback drive us to continually innovate and improve.

We’re looking forward to the upcoming awards gala dinner in July. Whether or not we take out any of these awards, we are incredibly proud of our achievements and excited about the future possibilities in proptech.  Stay tuned for updates as we continue to advance and refine our technologies to better serve Australian conveyancers!

Media Releases

Join us in welcoming Ruby!

We are extremely excited to have launched a conveyancing industry first solution with the release of Ruby, our AI-driven chatbot. 

Ruby provides helpful guidance to the Realtime platform, answering questions and stepping users through specific features and processes when you require help with natural language and an easy back and forth dialogue. The machine learning sitting behind her trains her with every interaction. 

She’s another technology first for conveyancers. 

It’s our belief at Realtime, that conveyancers deserve the very best technology including automation and AI to help them deliver amazing services to their clients, support their teams and strengthen their businesses. 

Our vision and mission is to empower conveyancers and their businesses with the latest technology and while she is a first step, we’re very proud about the launch of Ruby. 

When you’re next inside Realtime, speak to Ruby and ask her questions just the same way as you would to a member of the Realtime support team. 

The more our clients use Ruby, the smarter she gets. If you ask her a question that she doesn’t know the answer to, she will escalate it to a member of our team and we incorporate it into her training.

As an AI, Ruby is on duty 24 hours a day and seven days a week, providing conveyancers with help any time they need it, even out of hours and on weekends. 

We know many conveyancers use weekends to catch up on tasks and it can be frustrating if you need help in a new system but there’s no one rostered on. The really great thing about Ruby is that she’s both helpful and cheerful no matter what time it is!

To access Ruby’s help, users click on the chat icon in the bottom right corner of Realtime TMS. Ruby can be accessed from any page or matter within Realtime for instant assistance

Uses can also rate Ruby’s responses based on how helpful they are by clicking the ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ icons. 

“For conveyaners to grow and thrive in a digital future, we need to embrace AI into our businesses and use it to strengthen good processes,” said Realtime Conveyancer founder and CEO, Kylie Dillon.  

“I strongly believe AI will not replace conveyancers – because clients will always want personalised and attentive service at such an important time as settling on a property, especially if it is a home – but the future is definitely collaborative partnership between technology and human expertise.”


How technology is enhancing the human experience in conveyancing

The human touch has always been prized in the realm of conveyancing, where the intricacies of property transactions meet financial and legal complexities. After all, buying or selling a property is often one of the most significant transactions in a person’s life. Clients want reassurance, personal attention, and a seamless experience. But what if we told you that when thoughtfully integrated, technology doesn’t diminish this personal touch but can, in fact, enhance the human experience in conveyancing? In this blog, we’ll explore how the marriage of technology and conveyancing can result in a more human-centric, efficient, and client-focused process.

A conveyancer’s greatest asset is their human connection.

Traditionally, conveyancers have been valued for their personal touch. They provide clients expertise, guidance, and security throughout the property transaction journey. Clients appreciate the ability to reach out, ask questions, and receive prompt, empathetic responses. However, repetitive, time-consuming administrative tasks can sometimes hamper this personal touch.

Technology is an efficiency enabler.

Enter technology. Often, it is seen as a potential threat to the human-centric approach in many industries, including conveyancing. The reality is quite different. Modern conveyancing platforms, like Realtime Conveyancer, have been carefully crafted to empower conveyancers, not replace them. With Realtime Conveyancer, manual, repetitive tasks can be reduced by up to 75% through automation and time-saving features. 

Conveyancers can free themselves from the shackles of laborious paperwork and no longer spend disproportionate hours on administrative chores. Instead, this newfound time can be channelled where it matters most: towards clients and their unique needs.

Conveyancers can reinvest these saved hours into fostering more profound, meaningful connections with their clients. They can devote extra time to comprehensively understanding client requirements, addressing concerns, and providing expert guidance. This transformation enables them to be the trusted advisors their clients need in the complex realm of property transactions.

Networking and partner engagement

The conveyancing process doesn’t exist in isolation. It involves various stakeholders, from real estate agents to mortgage brokers. Building solid relationships with these partners is essential for a successful transaction. Technology doesn’t replace these connections but enhances them. Conveyancers can use their newfound time to network, collaborate, and forge deeper relationships with referral partners.

Empowering clients with knowledge and information

While technology plays a vital role in the background, it’s not meant to replace face-to-face interactions; instead, it supports them. Clients still crave that personal connection—the reassurance of sitting across from their conveyancer and discussing their concerns. Technology enables conveyancers to offer these interactions more efficiently.

In the modern conveyancing landscape, clients are tech-savvy and desire transparency and involvement. This is where technology, like the Pathway to Settlement (PTS) app, comes into play. PTS isn’t just about streamlining processes; it’s about involving clients in their property journey.

With PTS, clients can stay informed about the progress of their transaction right from their smartphones. They can track milestones, receive updates, and interact with their conveyancer more meaningfully. Rather than feeling disconnected from the process, clients can actively participate, fostering a stronger connection between them and their conveyancer.

Digitising conveyancing really is a win-win for all

In the evolving world of conveyancing, integrating technology is not a threat to the human experience but a means to enhance it. Technology allows conveyancers to regain valuable time, which can be dedicated to building deeper client relationships, networking with partners, and facilitating meaningful face-to-face interactions.

Furthermore, companion apps like PTS empower clients, giving them transparency and control over their property transactions. It’s a win-win for everyone involved—the conveyancer, the client, and all the stakeholders in the property transaction.

So, the next time someone raises concerns about technology devaluing the human experience in conveyancing, you can confidently explain how technology, when thoughtfully integrated, can, in fact, create a more human-centred and efficient process for all parties involved.

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer Wins the Efficiency & Optimisation Award at the 2023 Proptech Awards

Last week, we had the honour of attending the prestigious third annual Proptech Awards, hosted by the Proptech Association Australia in Sydney. We are thrilled to announce that Realtime Conveyancer emerged as the proud winner of the Efficiency & Optimisation Award for Most Innovative Startup!

The Proptech Awards are an important celebration of the remarkable achievements and groundbreaking innovations within the property technology industry. Held at The Fullerton Hotel, over 350 people gathered to celebrate the winners of over 30 awards.

Kylie Davis, Founder & President of Proptech Association Australia, alongside Peter Schravemade, Managing Partner of REACH Australia, co-hosted the sold-out event, commending the breadth and depth of the Australian proptech innovation ecosystem across the entire real estate value chain.

Realtime Conveyancer proudly took home the Efficiency & Optimisation Award for Most Innovative Startup, an acknowledgment of our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions and transforming the conveyancing experience for our valued clients. The award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our incredible team at Realtime Conveyancer.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Proptech Association Australia, the event organisers, and the esteemed panel of over 50 expert judges from Australia and overseas, who meticulously assessed 153 high-calibre entries to select the deserving winners.

We also want to congratulate our fellow finalists in the Efficiency & Optimisation category, Property Inc., Propti,, and REMSUITE. Being recognised alongside such esteemed industry players is an honour in itself, and we are proud to be part of a vibrant proptech community that pushes the boundaries of innovation.

At Realtime Conveyancer, our mission is to empower conveyancers with cutting-edge technology that simplifies workflows, streamlines processes, and enhances the overall conveyancing experience. Winning this prestigious award reaffirms our commitment to driving innovation in the industry and delivering exceptional value to our clients.

We would like to extend a special thank you to our clients and partners for their continuous support and trust in Realtime Conveyancer. Without your valuable feedback and collaboration, this achievement would not have been possible.

As we celebrate this exciting milestone, we are more inspired than ever to continue our journey of innovation and excellence in the proptech space. We look forward to further enhancing our platform, bringing more groundbreaking features, and continuing to provide exceptional value and support to our incredible clients.

Media Releases

Realtime’s innovation and dedication to cyber-security recognised in 2023 Proptech Awards

We are thrilled to announce that Realtime Conveyancer has been selected as a finalist in three categories for the prestigious 2023 Proptech Awards by the Proptech Association Australia!

The Proptech Association Australia has recognised our commitment to innovation, efficiency, and leadership within the proptech industry. These nominations underscore our dedication to revolutionising the conveyancing process and delivering breakthrough solutions to our valued clients.

Realtime Conveyancer has been named a finalist in the following categories:

  • Consumer Proptech (Startups) for our Pathway to Settlement App: Our Pathway to Settlement app has been acknowledged for its exceptional contribution to enhancing the consumer experience. This innovative app empowers buyers and sellers, providing them with real-time updates, seamless settlement tracking, and peace of mind when exchanging documents and financial information throughout their property journey.
  • Efficiency & Optimisation (Startups) for our Transaction Management Software: Realtime Conveyancer’s Transaction Management Software has been recognised for its outstanding efficiency and optimisation capabilities. Our powerful software streamlines the conveyancing process, enabling practitioners to work smarter, faster, and more productively.
  • Proptech Leader of the Year – Kylie Dillon: We are proud to announce that our founder, Kylie Dillon, has been named a finalist for the prestigious Proptech Leader of the Year award. This recognition highlights her visionary leadership, relentless pursuit of excellence, and commitment to driving positive change within the industry.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Proptech Association Australia for this honour, as well as to our incredible team and clients who have been instrumental in our success. We are inspired and motivated to continue pushing boundaries, reshaping the future of conveyancing, and delivering unparalleled value to our clients.

We would also like to extend our sincere congratulations to all the finalists and nominees in the 2023 Proptech Awards! Being part of such a dynamic and innovative community is truly inspiring, and we applaud your dedication and achievements. Together, we are shaping the future of real estate through technology and revolutionising the way we transact, engage, and experience the property market.

To learn more about the Proptech Association Australia and the 2023 Proptech Awards, please visit the official awards announcement.

Stay tuned for updates as we eagerly await the awards ceremony in July, where we will celebrate these exciting achievements. We sincerely appreciate your continued support and trust in Realtime Conveyancer.


How Realtime Conveyancer’s “contract to keys” solution is transforming the way property is settled

For well over a century, the practices and procedures surrounding property settlement have been stuck in time. Even while technology is driving dramatic changes in other parts of the property industry, conveyancing has evolved at a snail’s pace.

Two things are clear – consumers are demanding change and conveyancers deserve a better deal. 

Enter Realtime Conveyancer, which is changing the way properties are settled through digital innovation. The focus is on enhancing stakeholder relationships, delighting customers, and boosting business performance for property settlement practitioners.

The platform has two core features – a software suite and companion mobile app – which work together to provide a fully streamlined way for all parties to a real estate transfer to stay connected and in the loop on any device at any time, whether that’s at a desk or on the move.

Realtime Conveyancer benefits everyone

Through workflow, messaging, accounting, and analysis capabilities, it simplifies the conveyancer’s job and frees up time which can then be used for value-creating tasks such as customer care, networking, business development… just to name a few possibilities.

On the flip side, buyers and sellers have a seat at the table and feel confident of being able to get a status update and snapshot of progress whenever needed.

In a nutshell:

  • Conveyancers benefit from a digitally streamlined process and significant cost savings.
  • Buyers and sellers benefit from reduced settlement times of up to 20 days.
  • All parties benefit from transparency and a less stressful experience.

The conveyancer’s job can be a pressure cooker

Recent statistics show that Australia has a staggering $8.6 trillion residential property market with $376 billion worth of sales per year. There are currently 12,000 firms practising conveyancing in Australia.

That said, the work performed by conveyancers is often viewed as a commodity rather than a valuable professional service.  Despite this perception, conveyancers are responsible for managing critical risks and their responsibilities are central to a smooth settlement and an overall successful transaction.

Realtime Conveyancer gives settlement agents a better and easier way to do their jobs and demonstrate their value. It eliminates the need for tedious and repetitive tasks and frees up time for value-added ones.

Central to this is Transaction Management Software (TMS) which lets conveyancing practitioners achieve more in real-time. They can:

  • Receive offer and acceptance contracts.
  • Create and track best practice workflow.
  • Correspond through in-app email.
  • Customise document templates.
  • Update all parties instantly.
  • Automate progress notifications.
  • Access compliant trust accounting package.
  • Analyse data and gain valuable insights for decision-making.

Buyers, sellers, agents and brokers all reap the benefits

Buyers, sellers and associated parties to a property transaction frequently feel disengaged and disgruntled by delays and other settlement difficulties. Realtime Conveyancer eliminates the roadblocks and pain points and gets everyone singing from the same song sheet.

The Realtime Pathway to Settlement (PTS) app allows everyone to:

  • Get notified in real-time.
  • Track key milestones.
  • Submit bank account details securely.
  • Sign documents electronically.
  • Store documents securely.
  • Leverage concierge services.

The bright future of conveyancing

Realtime Conveyancer was developed in response to reports by around a third of Australian consumers (in all states and territories) that the settlement process is both stressful and takes much longer than it should. 

With a talented property team at the helm and a clear vision for the future, the platform is quickly setting a benchmark as the next generation of conveyancing services. 

Realtime Conveyancer is powered by leading-edge cloud technology and APIs. But it’s not about removing humans from the process. Instead, it’s about allocating the right resources to the right areas, so you have satisfied clients, and a sustainable business.

6,000 properties settled already 

We’ve already played a role in settling over 6,000 properties in WA. And it’s been a thrill to have had so many conveyancing firms reach out to express their support and enthusiasm. 

Through partnerships like those we have with REIWA and VaultRE, we’re constantly making key connections with the agent network and other important players in the industry.

Our number one goal is to deliver an exceptional customer experience. As such, progress depends on careful, intentional refinements. With this in mind, an exciting next move is to roll out Realtime Conveyancer to SA property professionals.

Interested conveyancing firms in both WA and SA can register via the website to get a demo and learn more about the game-changing benefits of Realtime Conveyancer.


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