Media Releases

Land Services WA takes strategic stake in Realtime Conveyancer

Realtime Conveyancer, the leading provider of innovative conveyancing solutions, has announced that Land Services WA has become a strategic investor in the company. 

“We are thrilled to welcome Land Services WA as a shareholder,” said Kylie Dillon, founder and CEO of Realtime Conveyancer. 

“This investment is a testament to the value of our platform and our commitment to transforming the conveyancing industry. We believe that Land Services WA’s expertise and experience will be invaluable as we continue to grow and expand our business.”

Realtime Conveyancer streamlines the conveyancing process, making it faster, easier, and more efficient by reducing traditional manual processes and replacing them with automation and digital tools that can be anywhere from any device. 

Realtime Conveyancers is made up of a revolutionary end-to-end transaction management platform and a consumer app that provides top level cyber security to help conveyancers capture important details, share contracts and keep buyers, sellers and other stakeholders up to date. 

Despite its young age, the startup is on track to transact 50% of Matters in WA through its platform by July, and is already handling 15% of SA Matters in less than six months since launch. 

The strategic investment from Land Services WA will accelerate Realtime Conveyancer’s growth and development, including moves into new states. Realtime Conveyancer has been transacting in WA for the past four years and expanded into South Australia late last year. 

“This investment in Realtime Conveyancer demonstrates the continued confidence in our company and our team,” said Ms Dillon. 

“We are excited to work with them to expand the reach of our innovative platform into the eastern states and make it possible for conveyancers to enjoy the same levels of automation and digitisation as other industries.”

Eugene Suares, CEO of Land Services WA, said this investment is a first for Land Services WA and highlights the importance of and our commitment to, innovation and the Australian proptech industry, particularly in our own backyard WA, where Realtime Conveyancer was founded. 

“We look forward to the continued growth of Realtime Conveyancer, innovation and value to the community stimulated by Realtime Conveyancer and the broader proptech ecosystem,” Mr Suares said.  

“The conveyancing process and practice is an adjacency to our business and component of the property value chain currently undergoing change, innovation, and digitisation. Realtime Conveyancer represents one of the ways that we are investing in innovation and efficiency for the property community.” 

About Realtime Conveyancer

Realtime Conveyancer is a leading provider of innovative conveyancing solutions through its transaction management system and consumer app. Realtime Conveyancer removes the bottlenecks in modern conveyancing, makes it possible to become a paperless office and supports robust, efficient, accurate and secure workflows to help conveyancers embrace the future and deliver a better service to property buyers and sellers.

About Land Services WA

Land Services WA is a privately held company and classified as a digital infrastructure asset. Land Services WA was appointed as the Service Provider for the Landgate Partial commercialisation, in October 2019 to provide, improve and maintain the systems that facilitate Landgate’s automated titling services, including document and plan processing, searches and associated products and services. 

At its core, Land Services WA is a technology solution provider, working collaboratively with the State, clients, and partners. It is committed to delivering products and services that support growth, efficiency, and risk management.

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer Celebrates Three Nominations at the National Proptech Awards 2024

We are so excited to share the wonderful news that Realtime Conveyancer has once again been recognised as a proptech leader, with the announcement that we are a finalist in three prestigious categories at the 2024 Proptech Awards. This national recognition follows closely on the heels of our recent triumph at the Proptech Hub WA Awards, where we were honoured with the Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year award.

As pioneers in the conveyancing technology space, we are constantly pushing the boundaries to enhance the property settlement process, making it more secure, efficient, and user-friendly for both conveyancing professionals and consumers. These nominations reflect our commitment to innovation and excellence across the board:

  • Proptech to Watch: This is the President’s Award, presented to an early-stage proptech that shows significant promise and/or has transformative technology. Being recognised here reaffirms our position as innovators and forward-thinkers in the rapidly evolving proptech landscape.
  • Administration & Efficiency Proptech: Our Transaction Management System has been designed to streamline complex processes and reduce the administrative burden on conveyancers. This nomination underscores our success in enhancing operational efficiencies within the industry.
  • Consumer Proptech: The Pathway to Settlement app represents our commitment to improving the consumer experience and security over the course of property transactions. This tool empowers users with real-time updates and secure exchange of financial information, making the conveyancing process transparent, safe and stress-free.

These accolades are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team who embody our mission every single day to deliver solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our users and clients.

We’d like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you to the organisers at the Proptech Association Australia and the judges for recognising our efforts, as well as to all our fellow finalists – your innovations continue to inspire us. We would also like to acknowledge our clients and industry partners. Your ongoing support and feedback drive us to continually innovate and improve.

We’re looking forward to the upcoming awards gala dinner in July. Whether or not we take out any of these awards, we are incredibly proud of our achievements and excited about the future possibilities in proptech.  Stay tuned for updates as we continue to advance and refine our technologies to better serve Australian conveyancers!

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer awarded Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year for the second consecutive year

We are thrilled to share that Realtime Conveyancer has once again been honoured with the prestigious 2024 Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year award at the recent Proptech Hub WA Awards, marking our second consecutive win in this category!

This award is a testament to our unwavering commitment to cybersecurity. At Realtime, we prioritise cyber safety in every feature and enhancement we develop, ensuring that protecting the sensitive and personal information that our clients are required to collect over the course of a property settlement remains at the forefront of our efforts. We are incredibly humbled to be recognised for our dedication to maintaining robust security measures and compliance with privacy laws.

The awards night, hosted by Proptech Hub WA and sponsored by CygnetWest, was a celebration of innovation and excellence in the Western Australian proptech community. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the event organisers and sponsors for a fantastic evening. The event was made even more special with Lord Mayor of the City of Perth, Basil Zempilas, officially opening the night and declaring Perth the PropTech Capital of Australia. The proceedings were expertly guided by Business News Senior Property Journalist Claire Tyrell, and guests enjoyed the amazing Australian native catering provided by Swell Fine Foods.

We also want to extend our congratulations and gratitude to our fellow finalists in the Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year category, Planet and Tappter, for their impressive contributions to enhancing cyber safety within our industry.

Realtime Conveyancer is proud to be part of such an innovative community, and we remain dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in proptech. This recognition fuels our passion for continuing to develop solutions that not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations, ensuring they operate in a secure and efficient digital environment.

Thank you to everyone who has been an integral part of our journey – our clients, partners, and, of course, our Realtime team. Your trust, support, and hard work have been the driving force behind our success. We are excited to continue this journey with you, driving forward with innovation and a commitment to excellence in all that we do.

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer Celebrates Five Nominations at the 2024 Proptech Hub WA Awards

We are thrilled to announce that Realtime Conveyancer has been named a finalist in not one but five distinguished categories at the 2024 Cygnet West Proptech Hub WA Awards. These prestigious awards honour innovation and excellence within the property technology sector in Western Australia, and being recognised across such a broad spectrum of categories underscores our commitment to pioneering technology in the property and, more specifically, the conveyancing industry.

Realtime Conveyancer has been acknowledged in the following categories:

  • Scale Up of the Year: This nomination highlights our rapid growth and scaling efforts that have seen us deliver market-leading innovations to conveyancing practitioners.
  • Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year: We are proud to once again be recognised for our stringent data security measures and robust cybersecurity protocols, ensuring client data protection and system integrity.
  • Proptech in Land & Settlements of the Year: This category showcases our specialised innovations and contributions to the conveyancing sector.
  • Entrepreneur of the Year – Kylie Dillon: Our CEO, Kylie Dillon, is celebrated for her outstanding leadership and entrepreneurial spirit, which continue to drive our company forward.
  • Executive of the Year – Sunil Sanganbatte: Our CTO, Sunil Sanganbatte, receives well-deserved recognition for his visionary approach and executive excellence in developing the Realtime platform.

These nominations are a testament to our team’s dedication, passion, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Each category reflects a unique aspect of our business. To be recognised for our strategic growth initiatives, the safeguarding of cybersecurity, and our innovative leadership is truly an honour.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the finalists across all of the various categories and express our profound gratitude to our dynamic team, whose expertise and hard work have brought us to this point. We also thank our clients and partners for their trust and collaboration, which are crucial to our ongoing success.

The winners will be announced at the upcoming Cygnet West Proptech Hub WA Awards ceremony in June, and we are excited to celebrate the accomplishments of all nominees and winners. This night is sure to be one to remember, with an opening by Lord Mayor of the City of Perth, Basil Zempilas, MC Claire Tyrell of Business News and a Keynote Address by the CEO of Cygnet West, Imran Mohiuddin.

Whether we bring home the awards or not, being recognised in such diverse categories is already a significant honour and motivates us to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in proptech.

Media Releases

What it looks like to get started with Realtime Conveyancer

Making the switch to Realtime Conveyancer is an exciting time for your business! Embracing efficiency and the latest in conveyancing technology is a wise choice, but what does that actual onboarding process look like? Our onboarding process has been designed to make the transition as seamless as possible, integrating with your existing operations. 

From the get-go, our goal is to make the transition smooth and stress-free for you. Put aside your preconceptions about the complexity of adopting a new system. Our team will be with you every step of the way, ensuring you feel confident and empowered using the platform. 

So, here’s a breakdown of what getting started with Realtime Conveyancer looks like…

Step 1: Your Personalised Demo

We’ll come to you! One of our Realtime Conveyancer team members will visit your office to give you a demonstration of the platform and show how it can be tailored to your needs. Booking a demo is simple: visit our website, enter your details, and schedule a time. This initial demo takes up to an hour and gives you firsthand insight into the features and tools that will benefit your office the most.

We know that each conveyancing firm is different and that what you value or need in your business may not be the same as what the conveyancer down the road values or needs. As part of our demo, we’ll get you to give us a bit of insight into you, your business and your goals so that we can tailor the demo to highlight the tools and features that will be of most benefit to you.

Step 2: Application and Setup

Like what you see? If the demo captures your interest (we’re sure it will 😉), applying for Realtime Conveyancer is easy. You can apply in just five minutes via the simple Client Application Form on our website. 

Once we receive your application, together with the names and email addresses of the user accounts you need set up, we’ll get your account up and running. Within 24 hours of your application, Realtime will have your team’s access set up, ensuring a quick transition phase.

Step 3: Activation Session

Once your account is set up, we’ll book your activation session. This takes place at your office, with a Realtime team member coming out to walk you through your setup. This is a hands-on meeting where we’ll navigate the system together, customise your settings, and walk through the initial steps of using the platform. Some of the things we’ll cover in this session include:

  • Setting up team access and permissions
  • Your agency’s financial settings
  • Ensuring your email and document templates are working
  • Checking that you’re comfortable with your standard workflows
  • Connecting your account with our integration partners, like Microsoft 365, Livesign, Movinghub and more
  • Show you where to find help and get support

This session typically lasts between 1-2 hours, with additional behind-the-scenes work from us beforehand to import your templates, adjust your workflow and get things working in accordance with your unique office procedures. 

Step 4: Kickoff Training

Now that Realtime is customised for you and your business, the next step is our Kickoff Training session.  This is a pivotal moment in your transition to Realtime Conveyancer, designed to empower you and your team with the knowledge and skills needed to get started quickly. This in-depth, two-hour training session covers all the essentials – entering matters, preparing documents, managing emails, and exploring the system’s key functionalities. 

This training session gives your team a solid foundation for efficient and effective use of the software.

We strongly encourage dedicating uninterrupted time for this training. We know that this can be easier said than done in the world of conveyancing, but making time for this training is making time for your team’s growth and success, ensuring you fully leverage Realtime Conveyancer’s potential from the outset. We have found that firms who have prioritised this session have significantly faster uptake and more effectively utilise all of the features that Realtime has to offer.

Step 5: Ongoing Support

You’re off and running! We know that, as with any new process or system, there is an initial learning curve for you and your team. And so, we ensure that you have access to ongoing support from our team. Your dedicated account contact will check in with you regularly, and they’re always available by phone or email during business hours to help you out. 

Additionally, the platform includes an AI Helper, Ruby, who is available 24/7 to answer your questions and guide you in locating and using specific features and tools.

Transition Timeframe

The transition from demo to active use of Realtime Conveyancer can be as quick as 2-4 weeks, depending on your team’s engagement and readiness to make the switch. We’re committed to facilitating a seamless transition, offering support and guidance every step of the way.

Making the switch to Realtime Conveyancer is the best decision you’ll make for your conveyancing business. With our clear, step-by-step onboarding process, personalised support, and training sessions, we’re dedicated to ensuring that your business can leverage the full potential of digital conveyancing with ease. 

And before you know it, you’ll be like so many of our wonderful clients – working 50% faster while being 100% happier! Get started today!

Media Releases

A Guide to Realtime Conveyancer Data Use 

At Realtime Conveyancer, we are committed to best practices around data security and have clear policies around how we collect, use and protect the data in our system. We’re happy to share these in detail below and encourage all conveyancers to use these guidelines as benchmarks for ALL your technology and service providers.  

  1. What data privacy regulations does Realtime Conveyancer meet? 

Companies, including proptech businesses like Realtime Conveyancer, that collect, use, disclose, transfer or otherwise handle personal information must ensure we at all times comply with the applicable privacy laws, including the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Act Review 2023. As holders of data, we must also comply with the Australian Government’s Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme.

  1. What type of data can I expect Realtime Conveyancer to collect from me?

As a client of Realtime Conveyancer, we will collect the name, email address, phone number and postal address of the conveyancing practices that do business with us and the authorised person within the business to make decisions about your account. We may also  collect financial information such as your bank or credit card details in connection with payment with our services and the contact details of those members of your team who need to use Realtime Conveyancer. In addition, it is important to us that our users are licensed conveyancers, so we may also ask to see, or have you verify that you are licensed. 

  1. How will the personal data that is collected from me be used by Realtime?

We use your personal information to verify your identity, provide products and services, and process requests, enquiries, complaints or applications. We may also use the data within our systems to conduct website and system administration tasks such as technical support. It is also often used for delivering news or promotional information and conducting market research surveys. You may also be on our marketing database, which means we have collected your name, company and email address and will send you information from time to time about our news, products and services. You can opt out of marketing communications by clicking the unsubscribe link in the emails at any time. 

  1. Does Realtime have access to my own client data?

At Realtime Conveyancer, we do have the ability to access the data that conveyancers input into our system. This access is strictly limited to support purposes – for instance when a customer reports an issue that needs to be resolved, the access allows us to see what has occurred and fix the issue. 

To ensure the privacy and security of your data, only selected members of our support team are granted this access. We have stringent policies in place that restrict data access, ensuring that it is only accessed as necessary to address specific customer issues. 

Our commitment is to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your data, and we do not claim any ownership or additional rights to the data you entrust to our system. 

It’s our default stance to support data portability, allowing you to easily retrieve your data if you decide to end our services.

It is also wise to implement access controls and user permissions within your own business to limit data access to only those members of Realtime Conveyancer – or any other technology provider –  who need it to provide the service. Ie: don’t give open-ended access to everyone. 

You should ensure that every technology business you work with supports data portability so that you can retrieve your data from their platform if you decide to discontinue their services. At Realtime Conveyancer this is our default position. 

If you have any concerns about how your data is managed, we encourage you to consult with legal counsel or a privacy expert to review the terms and conditions of your agreement for peace of mind.

  1. How can I be sure that the data I provide is secure and confidential?

At Realtime Conveyancer, ensuring the security and confidentiality of your data is a critical priority. We employ a robust suite of security measures powered by the sophisticated infrastructure of Microsoft Azure. Azure’s security encompasses a comprehensive set of compliance certifications and built-in security controls designed to protect against a wide array of cyber threats.

Access to our databases is secured using Cloudflare, which provides an additional layer of security including DDoS attack mitigation, secure DNS services, and traffic filtering and monitoring to further safeguard your data.

On the endpoint side, our team utilizes Sophos Intercept X, a next-generation anti-virus solution, to prevent, detect, and respond to advanced cyber threats. This advanced endpoint security software offers multiple features, such as ransomware protection, deep learning technology, exploit prevention, and more, to provide robust security for devices used by our team.

Combined, these security measures form a strong defense against potential cyber threats, ensuring that your data remains secure and confidential when entrusted to Realtime Conveyancer.

  1. What if my data is stored in the cloud?

At Realtime, we ensure your data is securely stored in the cloud with Microsoft Azure, primarily in the Australia East (Sydney) datacentre, with secondary backups in the Australia Southeast (Melbourne) datacentre. While we previously mentioned an Australian-owned hosting provider with various certifications, it’s important to clarify that our current data storage and backup solutions are exclusively managed through Microsoft Azure. Azure’s infrastructure provides robust security measures, including ISO:9001, ISO:27001, SOC 1 Type II, SOC 2 Type II certifications, and more. This ensures that your data is not only secure but also compliant with data residency regulations.

  1. Will my data be encrypted?

Yes. At Realtime Conveyancer, we ensure that your data is encrypted during transmission and while at rest. We use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure data as it travels between your devices and our services, protecting against eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. Once your data arrives at Realtime services, it is further protected with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, which is a widely adopted and trusted cipher, used globally and by the US government to protect classified information.

  1. Will Realtime Conveyancer use my data for analytics or profiling activities?

Like most proptechs and conveyancing technology providers, Realtime reserves the right to collect, aggregate, monitor and use usage data to improve the functionality, performance and further development of the service we provide. But this does not include any of your client data. This means that we use the data in our system that shows us how you and your team are using the Realtime Conveyancer platform to constantly improve what we do. But we do not look at your individual client names, addresses or individual records. 

  1. Will I be able to access, correct or request deletion of my data from Realtime Conveyancer?

At Realtime Conveyancer we have an easily accessible process for you to correct, update or request deletion of your data from our platform. There is also a complaints process. This information is included in the company’s Privacy Policy and published on our website. 

  1. What do I need to know about data retention and deletion?

At Realtime Conveyancer we have clear policies on how we handle the storage, retention and deletion of data we collect and process. In addition, our Data Retention and Deletion Policy complies with Australian data privacy regulations including the Privacy Act 1988, the Privacy Act Review 2023 and the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme. 

Retention periods for each category of data collected is specified and determined based on legal requirements, business needs and the purposes for which it was collected. Different types of data have different retention periods.

The procedures for securely deleting data are outlined, including information on how it is securely erased from databases, backups and other storage systems. The destruction methods comply with relevant regulations.

  1. Is it standard for a proptech like Realtime Conveyancer to share my data with third parties?

Many technology providers to the conveyancing industry, including Realtime, typically provide information to third parties such as: service providers including data processing and data warehousing services; courts; anyone authorised by the individual who has supplied the data; public authorities; providers of information services; providers of customer relationship management database services and marketing database services. Ensure you have been made aware of how your information may be shared.

If your data is disclosed or transferred outside of Australia, the technology provider you use should ensure it takes reasonable steps to ensure that your privacy continues to be protected in a manner consistent with Australian law.

  1. What happens if there is a data breach that may affect my information?

Realtime Conveyancer relies on Microsoft Azure’s robust security infrastructure to safeguard your data against breaches. Azure employs a comprehensive suite of security technologies and practices to prevent unauthorized access and detect potential threats. In the unlikely event of a data breach, Realtime Conveyancer is committed to adhering to industry standards and best practices. 

A data breach occurs when personal information is lost or subjected to unauthorised access or disclosure. This includes when a customer’s personal information is lost or stolen, a database is hacked or personal information is mistakenly given to the wrong person.

Under the Australian Government Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme, any organisation covered by the Privacy Act 1988 must notify affected individuals and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner when a data breach is likely to result in serious harm to an individual whose personal information is involved. Notification must include recommendations about the steps a customer should take in response to the data breach. Realtime Conveyancer is committed to adhering to this scheme.

Realtime Conveyancer Information Security Policy

Realtime Conveyancer – Master Service Terms (Service Terms)

Privacy Policy of Realtime Conveyancer Pty Ltd T/As Realtime Conveyancer Australia (“Realtime Conveyancer”)

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer – Live in South Australia for Seamless Property Transactions

In case you missed our news? We’re thrilled to announce that Realtime Conveyancer officially went live in South Australia late in 2023! This exciting development marks a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionise the property settlement industry for conveyancers. 

As we embark on this new chapter, we want to take a moment to share what sets us apart as your premier conveyancing software partner and introduce you to our dedicated team (who you quite likely already know) on the ground in SA.

So, what makes Realtime Conveyancer the best choice for South Australian conveyancers?

At Realtime Conveyancer, our mission goes beyond providing cutting-edge conveyancing technology. 

We have a deep connection and genuine care for this industry. 

Every single person on our team is committed to your success. From our founder, Kylie Dillon, to our teams on the ground in SA & WA to our developers. We are all so genuinely passionate about empowering conveyancers just like you with the tools and support they need to thrive in today’s fast-paced property market. 

Our industry-leading features include:

  • Deep integration with PEXA, from opening workspaces and accepting invitations to uploading your financials straight from Realtime to your workspace.
  • Our unique Auto-Finance feature allows conveyancers to balance and re-balance their matters in seconds, making last-minute changes on the morning of settlement simple and stress-free.
  • Workflow automations allow you to spend less time catching up on where a matter is at and more time building relationships with your clients.

But what does this mean for your business?

  • Human-Centric Approach: We understand that conveyancing is not just about transactions; it’s about people. Our human-centric approach means we deeply care about your well-being and success. We’re here to support you every step of the way, making your journey smoother and less stressful.
  • Seamless Technology: Our platform is designed with you in mind, combining intuitive features, automation and market-leading integrations with PEXA, Stewart Title, Movinghub and more. In short, Realtime Conveyancer empowers you to settle more transactions in less time, reducing stress and increasing efficiency.
  • Proven Success: We’ve already seen hundreds of transactions successfully processed in South Australia using our platform (not to mention the tens of thousands of transactions that have also been settled in WA). Our clients tell us that our technology has made them happier, less stressed, and more productive. It’s not just about software; it’s about bringing the joy back into your conveyancing experience.
  • Local Expertise: With our dedicated South Australian team who have extensive hands-on industry experience, you can trust that our platform is finely tuned to meet the specific needs of the SA market. We understand the intricacies of South Australian property transactions and are here to support you every step of the way.

Let’s introduce you to our South Australian team

As part of our commitment to provide exceptional service to the South Australian conveyancing community, our SA team is comprised of Market Development Executives Jess Kolb & Renee Thomas, Chief Technology Officer Sunil Sanganbatte and eight members of our development team. Sunil is looking forward to meeting with Realtime’s users directly to hear their feedback and thoughts on the platform.

Jess Kolb has a wealth of experience, having worked in conveyancing and adjacent industries since 2007. Prior to joining Realtime Conveyancer, Jess held key roles at PEXA & Land Services SA. Jess is known for her exceptional kindness and genuine care for your success. From your first contact with Jess right the way through to your 1000th transaction and beyond, she’ll be there offering tailored support to ensure your transition to Realtime is seamless.

Renee Thomas is a seasoned professional with 18 years of experience in the conveyancing industry. Over the course of her career, Renee has spent 12 years as a Registered Conveyancer, working with various firms across South Australia. Renee’s unwavering dedication and extensive experience in conveyancing reflect her commitment to ensuring your journey with Realtime is marked by personalised service and a seamless transition that caters to the distinct requirements of your firm.

Welcome to the Realtime Conveyancer community, South Australia! We’re excited to be your partner on the journey to building a more efficient, less stressful conveyancing business. To see the platform in action, including amazing features like workflow automation, our unique Auto-Finance feature & integrations with industry-leading partners, you can book a personalised demo with our South Australian team.

For more information, visit our website.

Media Releases

Realtime upgrades our Movinghub integration

Moving house is really hard work. Getting quotes for movers, turning utilities on and off, cleaning your old residence – it is stressful and after having gotten through settlement, your clients probably deserve a break!

As conveyancers, we’re in a unique position to help our clients have a much easier experience moving out of their existing residence and into their new home through the Realtime Conveyancer integration with Movinghub. 

Movinghub is an incredible company that takes care of all the things a client needs to move house. This includes connections, moving services, maintenance – the list is extensive.

The Realtime integration with Movinghub lets conveyanncers white label their app letting you wow your clients with a fabulously helpful service while also earning new revenue. 

“All technology should save you time and money, but our goal at Realtime is to help our clients expand and grow their conveyancing practices and bring in new revenue,” said Realtime CEO and founder, Kylie Dillon.

“We are really excited about our updated integration with MovingHhub. It’s made it easier for conveyancers and their teams to use, provides more useful information to Movinghub which supports a better client experience, and supports a valuable new income stream for conveyancers.

Every referral to Movinghub that results in a connection or service pays a referral fee. You can decide how you receive your referral fees – as a payment to your business, to individual team members, or even refund it back to your clients if you wish.  

Unlike most other connection services, Movinghub makes moving into a new home simple, convenient and carefree for your clients helping to arrange, not just the usual utility services, but also moving quotes, cleaning, maintenance, solar, insurance and even finance. They have more than 20,000 suppliers and provide preferential pricing. Best of all, their service is absolutely free to your clients, and you receive a referral fee with every successful connection. 

The new updates make it easy for conveyancers to help both buyers and sellers move into their new homes with less stress by including extra fields to identify the services clients will need. 

This includes identifying if your client is a property buyer or seller – which indicates if they will be turning utilities on or off, the addresses that the client is moving to and from and the moving date. 

Conveyancers can also include additional information to help Movinghub deliver a more personalised service, or include conversations you’ve had with the client that Movinghub should know about. 

You can access the Movinghub form through the Integrations page within any Matter.

If you haven’t set up your Movinghub account yet, email Once activated, navigate inside Realtime Conveyancer to your Organisation Settings and enter your Movinghub Partner Code. You’ll then be able to start sending invites to your clients and 

If you’re not comfortable referring your clients to a third party, you can whitelabel Movinghub with your own brand, so it looks like the connection service is part of your business at no cost. Movinghub have a sophisticated white label service that allows you to decide your customer experience, curate the services offered and add advanced features. Find out more about their whitelabel option here.

Media Releases

Celebrating WA with our ‘Better Late Than Never’ Launch!

Realtime Conveyancer has been live in WA for 12 months, but as we were planning our South Australian launch party, we realised that we were yet to celebrate this same milestone in WA. How remiss of us! And so became our WA ‘Better Late Than Never’ Launch Party on 30 November at the fabulous Henry’s Rooftop at The Reveley on Perth’s magnificent Elizabeth Quay.

We were joined at this event by almost 100 of our clients & WA conveyancers, integration partners and industry stakeholders. And what a night it was! The energy was electric, and many guests commented about the incredible community spirit they felt being part of the Realtime family, not only at this event but in their business in general.

Kylie Dillon, our founder & CEO, took a moment to say a few words, thanking guests for their ongoing support and reflecting on the incredible journey that had led all of us to that point. She gave a special mention to the Realtime Conveyancer team, who have worked tirelessly over the past few years to bring her vision to life and shared our heartfelt gratitude to all in attendance for being part of this special celebration. 

Special thanks go to The Reveley and their wonderful team for the delicious food and drinks that continued to flow throughout the night. Our celebration was made extra-special with our pink signature cocktail and mocktail creations, ‘The Ruby’ and ‘The Realtime’. 

Something that Kylie summed up beautifully in her speech was the importance of working together and collaboration over competition. Building a community is something that is at the heart of what Realtime is all about, something that far transcends the development of conveyancing software. It was so wonderful to witness some of WA’s most innovative conveyancers come together with leading industry stakeholders and build some incredible connections at this event.

After looking back on the years gone by and celebrating some incredible achievements, it’s now time to look forward to 2024 with gratitude to all of those who have supported us in our journey so far. We’re excited to continue to deliver amazing features and innovative technology for WA conveyancers.

Media Releases

A Night to Remember: Realtime Conveyancer’s South Australian Launch Party

We marked Realtime Conveyancer’s highly anticipated launch into the South Australian conveyancing market with a celebration at the trendy Adelaide venue, The Cumby. This launch event signified our firm commitment to innovation and digital transformation in South Australia and recognised the incredible support we have received from the South Australian conveyancing community. 

With around 60 of our fabulous clients, board members, investors, and industry partners in attendance, many commented on the real sense of community and collaboration in the room.

Realtime Conveyancer’s founder & CEO, Kylie Dillon, thanked guests for their ongoing support and shared our heartfelt gratitude for being part of this special celebration. We believe that our success and the success of the conveyancing industry are intricately tied to the relationships we build. This event was a perfect opportunity to connect with those who have been an integral part of our journey.

And what’s a celebration without a (pink) signature cocktail? The Cumby curated ‘The Ruby’ especially for our guests as they arrived at the event. It certainly was a delicious way to start the night!

Throughout the evening, it was evident that the Realtime community is not just about conveyancing software. It’s about building meaningful connections and about collaboration over competition. We were thrilled to see so many of our wonderful clients (representing some of the finest conveyancers in South Australia) talking and laughing with industry peers and investors.

As we move forward into this exciting new chapter, we are both excited and humbled by the overwhelming support we’ve had from the South Australian conveyancing community. We’re looking forward to empowering many more conveyancers with the latest, most innovative conveyancing software to help them continue to deliver exceptional service to their clients. 


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