
5 tech trends impacting property conveyancing

Conveyancing is one of the last industries in the property ecosystem to be impacted by digital disruption. But don’t worry, it’s coming! Rather than being afraid of it, however, we can take comfort from the fact that so many industries adjacent to us – real estate and finance especially – have been through it before us and learn from their experiences. But even though our bigger brothers may be ahead of us on the adoption curve, we still need to adapt it to the issues and processes specific to conveyancing.

So here are some of the biggest tech and social trends that are fundamentally changing how conveyancing is going to be conducted in Australia.

Service Expectations

Customer expectations of good service have fundamentally changed over the past 10 years, and they continue to evolve. More than just corporate placations and cookie-cutter standards, clients today want service that is personalised, immediate, and recognises their needs – even if they don’t know what those needs actually are! You can blame big data for this. It’s understanding of our preferences based on literally millions of activities and the ability to serve information that is both useful and timely regardless of the time of day or what platform we are in and predict what we are going to need next. This has made it hard for mere human processes to keep up. In such an environment, traditional communication methods of email and telephone are both too slow, prone to misunderstanding and inferior no matter how much you like the person at the other end. They’re an important compliment to great service in the new world, but on their own, they just don’t cut it.

Big Data, Automation and AI

Everywhere we go and everything we do these days leaves a vapour trail of data behind us. It’s produced with every interaction we have with our mobile phones, on our desktops, and even just walking captures data about where we’ve been. And then there are the email lists we sign up for, the online shopping we do and the social media activity we engage with. The bigger the datasets, the bigger the picture about who we are and our personal preferences, allowing our interactions to become more and more personalised.

Big data is the fuel that drives automation and AI, and it is removing much of the manual work out of conveyancing, allowing more processes to be automated and reducing the amount of repetitive work done by humans. In conveyancing, this means client data being automatically pulled into forms rather than retyping, digital signatures being requested and recognised, information automatically moving to the next stage and documentation being ‘preflight checked’ by bots rather than humans. The end result is faster transactions with fewer errors and rework. 

The Corporatisation of Real Estate

The irony of Australia’s residential real estate industry is that it is the country’s single biggest asset class and favourite way to invest, yet we’re largely a cottage industry managed and run by small businesses. There’s nothing wrong with that, but in coming years, it is likely to start to change with the growth of build to rent, resulting in more multi-family housing being owned by large corporates, especially superannuation funds.

The financial and mental cost of running a business – and the sheer weight of needing to manage so much in terms of technology, security, automation and service centres – also means mergers and acquisitions are likely to become more common as we see fewer but larger businesses emerge. This trend is especially likely to impact conveyancing with our legacy of small three or so-person operators. Expect to see bigger conveyancing businesses that are more streamlined, tech-supported and with teams with more specific job descriptions that are narrow and deep rather than broad generalist conveyancing.

Scaling and End-to-End Processes

One of the most stressful parts of the conveyancing process for buyers and sellers is understanding the stage of the transaction, how far there is still to go and what kind of information needs to be compiled in order to clear the next hurdle. Tech systems that deliver end-to-end transaction management reduce this stress considerably by allowing clients to see at a glance what stage their purchase or sale is at and what else needs to be completed.

Delivering this clarity to clients also has major benefits to conveyancers. There are fewer daily interruptions from people wanting to check in and understand “where we’re at”, less chasing of clients to provide vital information without which settlement can be delayed (creating even more stress) and a clearer understanding for conveyancers of the project management required across a team, and where bottlenecks or additional resources may be required.

In addition, giving both real estate agents and buyers and sellers visibility of the conveyancing process improves market education resulting in a better understanding of the work that conveyancers do and the value we add.

Cyber Security and Risk Management

The irony is that there is more payment security in purchasing a pizza online than there is in buying a million-dollar property. It should be no surprise, therefore, that every week there is another tale of property transactions being intercepted by scammers stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in the form of deposits, payments and bonds.

Cyber fraud is now at an industrial scale, with thieves no longer just lone hackers sitting in a bedroom, but warehouses of scammers globally hunting deliberately for targets. Real estate, with its high value transactions and traditionally low security practices makes us extremely vulnerable. Sharing bank account details, contracts and identification documentation over email are all common ways that we expose ourselves on a daily basis and in the new world of cyber threat, it’s not a case of if we get hacked, but when, especially given it can happen as easily as clicking on a link when we’re tired or not concentrating.

Cyber secure transaction spaces are the way forward. Only those invited can access these password-protected and locked virtual rooms, but once inside, documents and identification can be shared, and payments made securely. Secure conveyancing rooms can also be connected to systems like Pexa, allowing the settlement to be securely lodged at the end, de-risking the entire process and helping both conveyancers and their clients feel a lot less stress.

Media Releases

Realtime’s innovation and dedication to cyber-security recognised in 2023 Proptech Awards

We are thrilled to announce that Realtime Conveyancer has been selected as a finalist in three categories for the prestigious 2023 Proptech Awards by the Proptech Association Australia!

The Proptech Association Australia has recognised our commitment to innovation, efficiency, and leadership within the proptech industry. These nominations underscore our dedication to revolutionising the conveyancing process and delivering breakthrough solutions to our valued clients.

Realtime Conveyancer has been named a finalist in the following categories:

  • Consumer Proptech (Startups) for our Pathway to Settlement App: Our Pathway to Settlement app has been acknowledged for its exceptional contribution to enhancing the consumer experience. This innovative app empowers buyers and sellers, providing them with real-time updates, seamless settlement tracking, and peace of mind when exchanging documents and financial information throughout their property journey.
  • Efficiency & Optimisation (Startups) for our Transaction Management Software: Realtime Conveyancer’s Transaction Management Software has been recognised for its outstanding efficiency and optimisation capabilities. Our powerful software streamlines the conveyancing process, enabling practitioners to work smarter, faster, and more productively.
  • Proptech Leader of the Year – Kylie Dillon: We are proud to announce that our founder, Kylie Dillon, has been named a finalist for the prestigious Proptech Leader of the Year award. This recognition highlights her visionary leadership, relentless pursuit of excellence, and commitment to driving positive change within the industry.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Proptech Association Australia for this honour, as well as to our incredible team and clients who have been instrumental in our success. We are inspired and motivated to continue pushing boundaries, reshaping the future of conveyancing, and delivering unparalleled value to our clients.

We would also like to extend our sincere congratulations to all the finalists and nominees in the 2023 Proptech Awards! Being part of such a dynamic and innovative community is truly inspiring, and we applaud your dedication and achievements. Together, we are shaping the future of real estate through technology and revolutionising the way we transact, engage, and experience the property market.

To learn more about the Proptech Association Australia and the 2023 Proptech Awards, please visit the official awards announcement.

Stay tuned for updates as we eagerly await the awards ceremony in July, where we will celebrate these exciting achievements. We sincerely appreciate your continued support and trust in Realtime Conveyancer.

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer Shines Bright at the Proptech Hub WA Awards

We are delighted to announce that Realtime Conveyancer has emerged as the winner in not one, but two categories at the esteemed Proptech Hub WA Awards. Our dedication to innovation and transforming the conveyancing industry has earned us the prestigious titles of Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year and for our founder, Kylie Dillon, the Proptech Entrepreneur of the Year.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Proptech Hub WA Awards for organising this incredible coming-together with like-minded, trailblazing people and for recognising our efforts in driving positive change within the industry. It is an immense honour to be acknowledged in particular for our commitment to cyber safety.

We would also like to congratulate our fellow finalists. In the Cyber Safe Proptech of the Year category, we commend the exceptional innovations showcased by Scantek and Mapizy, who are making significant advancements in cyber safety within the proptech space. We also want to acknowledge the outstanding achievements of Tom Young of UDrew and Kris Zima of Stash Property, who were finalists in the Proptech Entrepreneur of the Year category.

We express our deep gratitude to our valued clients and industry partners for their unwavering support and trust in Realtime Conveyancer. We remain committed to pushing boundaries, introducing transformative features, and revolutionising the way conveyancers work. Together, we will create a future where efficiency, transparency, and success are the norm in conveyancing.

Thank you for being a part of our remarkable journey. Stay tuned as we continue to innovate and bring you more exciting updates.


Kylie Dillon of Realtime Conveyancer on turning an ambitious vision into a reality

Kylie Dillon, Co-Founder & CEO, Realtime Conveyancer Australia

I’m often asked about the vision behind Realtime Conveyancer and what we set out to achieve.

Simply put, Realtime Conveyancer automates the process of buying, selling and settling properties every step of the way, from “contract to keys”.

Transparency is increased and the process of transferring ownership changes from a disjointed, multi-layered and complex set of transactions to a single workflow that prioritises simplicity and human connection.

From the early days of bootstrapping the business, through the exciting stage of capital raising, and down to our launch in WA, it’s been an amazing journey with its fair share of twists and turns.

Through it all we’ve been firmly focused on a single truth: that the market was crying out for a solution to the pain points plaguing the conveyancing process in Australia. One that puts people first.

The inspiration for Realtime Conveyancer

Conveyancing has always been a calling for me and from the time I first stepped into my first office nearly 20 years ago, I knew it was something I’d be doing for the rest of my working life.

“Playing a small (but crucial) role in helping buyers realise their dream of owning a home is my inspiration and my passion.”

Our primary aim is to bring buyers into the mix and allow them to see what’s going on. It’s about allowing them to develop a sense of trust in the person looking after them, knowing that person has their back and can settle the property on time.

And it’s not just the buyers that benefit. What sets Realtime Conveyancer apart is having a single, powerful platform at everyone’s disposal. The rewards are there for all – real estate agents, brokers, conveyancers, buyers and sellers.

The problem with traditional conveyancing

Conveyancing has traditionally been a paper process. And with paper transactions come risks and inefficiencies.

There are so many moving parts and things can easily fall through the cracks. Disgruntled, disengaged parties are par for the course. Chasing down crucial documentation is a constant bugbear. And the whole process can often take far longer than it needs to.

As it turns out, those timeworn excuses trotted out in the schoolroom by sloppy students also apply in the conveyancing world. Conveyancers have heard it all, from “snails have eaten my contract” to “I’m sorry, it’s been left out in the rain”!

When things go pear-shaped, as they often do in complex transactions, the fallout can be far-reaching.

According to research, around a third of buyers across all states report that the settlement process is either stressful or extremely stressful.

“It’s perhaps no surprise then that buying a house is up there with divorce and bereavement as one of the most challenging life events people will ever experience.”

The digital journey and the role of proptech

When I started out in business there was a lot of talk about electronic conveyancing but not a lot of action.

It was really just a twinkle in the eye of the industry, and many thought we’d all be retired before it came to fruition. Even so, we knew the systems we were using weren’t going to stand the test of time.

PEXA, an organisation I’m proud to have been part of (in a contract role for over two years), was pivotal in kick-starting change in the digital lodgements space. It’s where I started working with Realtime Conveyancer’s co-founder, the late Mike Price, whose vision and values have been instrumental to our success, and whose legacy lives on in the platform.

Fast forward to 2023, and with the benefit of game-changing proptech advances, we’ve now got all the tools at our disposal to scale and make digitally-led conveyancing a real-world reality.

The conveyancer of the future

With Covid impacting the industry and legislation and compliance growing ever more complicated, the conveyancer’s job has increasingly become one of task-driven tyranny.

“Harnessing a technology platform like Realtime Conveyancer is incredibly liberating, and opens conveyancers and property practitioners up to a new way of working.”

By eliminating low-value, repetitive activities, Realtime Conveyancer simultaneously lays the foundation for healthier and more profitable business partnerships to flourish.

Join us in the brave new world of conveyancing

We’re constantly trying to “out-innovate” ourselves by looking for better ways to do things. And the question we continually ask is: “Is this going to provide an amazing experience for the consumer?” If it doesn’t, we don’t do it.

Join us on the journey to a brighter (conveyancing) future by requesting a demo, and learn how you can:

  • Streamline workflow so that the average time of settlement is reduced.
  • Make the conveyancing process more transparent and ensure all parties have the information they need at every point in the transaction.
  • Free up time in your conveyancing practice so you can move from paper-pusher to trusted advisor.
  • And, finally, make property purchases and settlements less stressful and more fulfilling for agents, brokers, buyers and sellers alike.

Kylie Dillon is Co-Founder and CEO of Realtime Conveyancer Australia.  She is also a member of the Board of the Proptech Association Australia where she serves as the WA Chapter Lead. 

Media Releases

Realtime Conveyancer Shines as Double Finalist in PEXA Proptech Hub WA Awards

We are delighted to share the exciting news that Realtime Conveyancer has been recognized as a finalist in two prestigious categories at this year’s highly anticipated PEXA Proptech Hub WA Awards. This recognition further solidifies our commitment to excellence and innovation in the real estate industry.

We are honoured to be selected as a finalist in the Cyber Safe PropTech of the Year category, alongside other exceptional finalists, Scantek and Mapizy. This category celebrates PropTechs that prioritise data security and demonstrate critical infrastructure capability. We are proud of our commitment to implementing robust processes to protect sensitive and personal information while complying with data rights and ownership. We would also like to extend our gratitude to REIWA for sponsoring this award, recognizing the importance of cyber safety in the PropTech space.

Additionally, we are thrilled to announce that our founder, Kylie Dillon, has been named a finalist in the highly coveted PropTech Entrepreneur of the Year category. This category acknowledges outstanding founders, directors, or CEOs who possess a remarkable entrepreneurial spirit in driving innovation within the PropTech industry. We extend our congratulations to our esteemed co-finalists Tom Young of UDrew and Kris Zima of Stash Property.

These nominations are a testament to our team’s dedication, passion, and commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions to the conveyancing industry. We strive to lead the way in delivering exceptional experiences and driving positive change within the industry.

We would like to express our gratitude to our incredible team, clients, and partners for their ongoing support and collaboration. It is through their collective efforts that we have achieved this significant recognition. We remain dedicated to continuously innovating and delivering the highest standards of service to our clients and the broader real estate community.

The winners will be announced at the highly anticipated PEXA Proptech Hub WA Awards ceremony in June, and we eagerly anticipate the results. Regardless of the outcome, being recognised as finalists alongside such esteemed companies and individuals is an honour in itself.


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